Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1804

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INDEX. liii Commer~, Foreign and Domuti~on. Pap. appropriation for expenses of promot- ing,in Africa_______________ 86,1117 for investigating foreign trade re- strictions __________________ 87,1118 deficiency appropriation for promoting, etc_________________________ 46,897 for promoting, in Europe, etc_______ 897 Commer~JJnter.tate ('6e alao Interstate vommerce), appropriation for assistant to SoUcitor General enforcing Acts to regu- late, etc_ _ _ __________________ 78 Commercial AUac~" appropriation for clerks to _________ 85,1116 deficiency appropriation for ____ 46,933,1617 Commi,sion Jor the Enlarging oj the Capital GroundB, creation of; composition_____________ 420 authorized to consider plans, and esti- mates for development of park area_________________________ 421 schemes to be considered_ _ _ _ ______ 421 recommendations to be made for suitable landscape treatment of Capitol Building, etc__________ 421 continuatlOn of, to next Congress! if fina~ report not submitted berore eXpll"atlOn of present__________ 421 authorized to carry out the plans rec- ommended___________________ 1094 details given; an avenue from western fountain at Union Station to Pennsylvania Avenue between 2d and 3d Streets________________ 1094 closing North Capitol Street south of D Street_____________________ 1094 C Street to vehicular traffic be- tween New Jersey and Delaware A venues, removing street car tracks, and relaying them in a depression and subwar, extend- WTarmstroBot (talk)_~_TarmstroBot (talk) 01:03, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_~_~~_~:~~ 1695 removing tracks on Delaware Ave- nue and B Street, and relaying on First Street________________ 1695 underground garage, Delaware to New Jersey Avenue8..______ ___ 1695 acquiring privatc property and re- moving existing buildings.. _ __ __ _ 1695 constructing terraces, fountains, etc_ 1695 acquiring designated privately owned lands, etc.; condemnation author- ized_________________________ 1695 removal of structures, etc__________ 1695 open market contracts, professional services, and expenditure______ 1695 acquired lands, etc., to be part of Cap- itol Grounds under Architect of the CapitoL_________________ 1695 transfers from District Commis- sionenL______________________ 1695 temporary retention of streets and roadways____________________ 1695 street-railway companies, to remove and relay tracks, etc______________ 1695 adjust tracks to changed grades_ ____ 1696 development of Mall Parkway by Director of Public Buildings, connecting Capitol Grounds with Washington Monument, author- ued_________________________ 1696 plans for, adopted_________________ 1696 Commission Jor 1M Enlarging oj the Capitol Pap. GrouRda-Continued. development of Mall Parkway; grounds included_____________________ 1696 portion of, transferred to Director of Public Buildings, etc ______. _. __ _ 1696 sum authorized for enlargin~ Capitol Grounds by the CoIIllIl188ion_ _ _ 1696 Commission oj Fine Am, appropriation for ex~ses _________ 577,1234 for printing and bIDding for _____ 577,1234 deficiency appropriation for expenses__ 1616 design, etc., of fiagstaff at Fort Sumter commemorating defense by Gen- eral Robert Anderson, subject to approval 01._________________ 499 design for statue of Cardinal Gibbons to be approved by____________ 454 plans, etc., of monument in memory of Peter Muhlenberg, subject to approval oL_________________ 483 plans, etc., for memorial to George Rogers Clark, subject to approval of___________________________ 1626 plans for memorial historical museum to General Anthony Wayne on site of Fort Defiance, Ohio, sub- ject to approval of. __ __ ______ 1009 site and design for monument to Major General Artemas Ward, subject to approval or. __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ 689 site for erecting monumental urn from Cuba on public grounds, Wash- ington, D. C ., subject to ap- provalof____________________ 713 to advise as to site and design of monu- ment to Samuel Gompers in Washington, D. C____________ 193 Commi8Bion on LiCen8Ur6 to Practi~ the HealinJI Art in tM IMtrid oj Columbia! • created; compoSItIon, etc_____________ 1327 powers, etc_____________________ 1327-1341 CommiBBioners oj Conciliation, appropriation for expenses_________ 105, 1135 Commissioners oj Court oj Claims, appropriation for salaries and ex- penses _____________________ 80, 1110 salaries of, increased_ _ _ _ ____________ 882 term of, continued for three years_____ 51 Commissioners, United Statu Coum, appropriation for fees______________ 81,1111 deficiency appropriation for __________ 21,42, 44, 47, 906, 934, 1610,1617,1646,1671 accounts of, to be rendered quarterly in duplicate, and transmitted to clerk of the district court______ 998 original to be transmitted to Attor- ney General;· duplicate retained_ 998 no court approval of, required______ 998 Committee Hearings, HO'UBe Of Repruenla- tives, appropriation for stenographic reports of, other than select, etc., com- . mittees___________________ 524,1394 Committee on Agriculture, HO'UBe oj RS'P"6- aentativl18 authorized to hold meetings, etc., in prep- aration of bills for farm relief____ 1624 Committee on Appropriatiom, Home oj Reprl18entativ68 , deficiency appropriation for assistant clerks; balance reappropriated__ 3 five members of to serve on Board of Visitors, ~1ilitary Academy_____ 597