Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1791

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xl INDEX. Capitol POtDtlr Plant-Continued. p .... appropriation for reimbuning, for heat, etc., to Washington poet of- dce.______________ • _____ __ 187,1050 deficiency appropriatioD for mainte- nance _______________________ 4,45 CaracM, V _zuelo., appropriation for bronse statue of Henry Clay presented to Vene- zuela and erected at________ ___ 76 Carbondale, IU., deficiency appropriation for public building at___________________ 1656 Card'"", Larry, reinatatement of, in Naval Academy, as of clasa of 1930_____________ 1014 Caribbean Sea, appropristion for Weather Service ex- pensesin,andadjarentcoasts_ 543,1194 Caribou, Me., deficiency appropriation for publio bUlldiDg_____________________ 32 "Carl ~" Veud determination by War Claims Arbiter, of claims for, taken and BOld by United States during World War_ 277 Carli.Z. BarrGCka, Pa., construction authorized of buildings at_ 1302 modification of provisions for sale of portion of, and purchase of adja- cent land for _ ________________ 250 National Monument, N. Me:.r:., appropriation for maintenance, etc_ 236, 1599 acceptance of site for superintend- ent's residence________________ 1599 deficiency appropriation for comfort station_ _ _ ___________________ 904 Carlsbad Irrigation Project, N. Me:.r;., appropriation for maintenance, etc., oL______________________ 229, 1591 deficiency appropriation for enlarging A valon Reservoir; restric- tion ______________________ 902,1642 Carlton Avenue NE., D. C ., appropriation for ~ving, etc., South Dakota to Central Avenues; from gasoline tax fund_________ 653 Carnegie Libra'1b D. C. (BU Public li- brary, D. C.). Carondelet, Mo., bridge authorized acroaa Mississippi River, at_____________________ 505 time extended for bridging Mississippi Rive~at-------------------- 1308 CarroU, James name p~ on yellow-fever roll, and presented gold medaL_________ 1409 CarroU, Jennie (widow), appropriation for monthly payments to________________________ 353, 1374 Carrollton, Ky., bridge authorized across Ohlo River, at_ 1316 CarBon Agency, Nell., appropriation for support, etc., of In- dians at__________________ 223,1584 Carson City, Nell., appropriation for mint at_________ 176,1044 for Indian school at____________ 218,1579 Carson Indian Hospital, Nev., appropriation for maintenance, etc., of________________________ 221, 1581 CarBon National FOTut, N. Mez., exch&n~ authorized of lands in Span- lSh or Mexican grants, for addi- tions to______________________ 431 CarlfOf& National FOTest, N. Mez. -Con. Pate. lands within watershed of, withdrawn for protectinf water supply of Tao8 Pueblo ndi&nl__________ 372 CartIille, La., deficiency appropriation for marine hos- pit.l!-!l unprovements_________ 31,1655 Casu IfIla, wash., dam authorized for retaining tidal waters in a cove extending from_ 571 Casper, Wyo., appropriation for public building______ 1042 deficiency appropriation for public building at__________________ 920 Cass CoumV, N. Dak., me.y bridge Red River of the North, Fargo, N. Dak., to Moorhead, Minn___ _____________________ 472 time extended for bridging Red River of the North by, etc_____________ 1534 Cass Lake, Minn., appropriation for construction of dam at___________________________ 555 forrel>&ir, etc., of dam at___________ 1205 CasBViUe, Wis., bridge authorized ac1'088 MiEisaippi River,at_____________________ 293 Castle RocIcB, Oreg., granted ~on for park purposes._ ___ 148 CasuaU1I Hospilal" D. C ., appropriation for care of indigent p&- Uents____________________ 67~ 1291 deficiency appropriation for _________ 10,892 Catalogue 01 Scieneijic Literature, Interna- tional, appropriation for expenses, preparaUon of________________________ 58~ 1241 Catalogue of Title EmrieB, CoptlTight OJJice, appropriation for publicatIOn of____ 529,1399 distribution of, as issued, to collectors of customs and postmasters of foreign mails exchange offices___ 714 sales in whole or in part authorized___ 714 consolidated, and indexes, supplied OD order by Superintendent of Pub- lic Documents________________ 714 deposit of receipts from____________ 714 Cathedral Avenue NW., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Conduit Road to Potomac Avenue; from gasoline tax fund_____________ 652 Catholic UnillerBil1l of America, former incorporatIOn of, approved, and powers extended______________ 402 Cattle (su also Animal Industry Bureau, and Animals), appropriation for inspection and quar- antine work _____________ .. _ 5 4 5, 1196 for eradicating scabies __________ 545,1196 for inspection of southern _______ 545,1196 for eupervising transportatfon of etc _______________________ 545,1196 for enforcing humane treatment of export____________________ 545,1196 for executing twenty~ight-hour law ______________________ 545,1196 for quarantine stations _________ 545,1196 for suppressing contagious diseases of_____________________ ~-- 545,1196 for investigating tuberculosis i!nd paratuberculosis of animals; con- trol, etc___________________ 546,1196 for tuberculin testing, etc., 01- __ _ 546,1196 payment for animals destroyed, etc.; State, etc., cooperation_ 546, 1196