Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1769

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INDEX.: A""'ti;Continued. ' de ci~~-.:appn;.priatlon for acquiring 921 " ~ ,Uact, HawlliL______ _ •. ( for Columbua Depot, Ohio, aewer flY&- - ,...~_.;.!...~.J ... .:••• _____ :'., _ _ ,, ___ 921 fo!, Presidio 01.80 Francisco, CalIf., " ,~______ ..,._.... ____________ 927 for·IPOtf··~6b~,!C'. J.,lalld---- 927 forlq~ro=~~--TarmstroBot (talk), 928 , for EDsIDeer .: ~lbent skilled

-~"·~~·e~J.iffTarmstroBot (talk) 00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC):== !~

lor- . 6ItRbtate facilities._ - _ 928 , foi" D1tary Academy ___________ . ;'_ 928 ,~I00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC)00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC)e: ~~ , : f~~,~~f.»G~MWtWY Par~, ". 'l, TenJt. _.: .___ ______ ______ ______ 929 .forFo()~ ~oHenry, Md___________ ,_ . 929 tor ~1' of :Kings MOUDtaiD battle field, S.c.~.. _·'"'_.-------------- 929 f~d~ Oo~ent roeda, ,00000ruotiall. "' __ :. ____________ 929

' for Engineer DeDartment ____ • __ _ 930, 1619

. ,fot L&kj 1df'f;Jle'Woods, etc., Bowage .'. ",~.., etcn ___ ..::.___ ______ '930 for riYer and bubor collflion clalme_ 930 for Mf_WpplRiver, etc., Bood con- troI)~...'-- .. .: .. -.;~----------·~..:- 930 for '~inerceJ1e1 fleod control tribu- ," ' t&riea of the M~ppl, resCUe for' ~1?::.~te8.;ord~ci' '930 . \l9ldie~-1' .. - _- -- - - 935, 937,1619, 1674 fot 'contingtmcle8~.OJ."'" ___ __________ 935 for ~.IUl~lt, /.\.7',.. _______ ___ 9 3IS, 1619 for ~unttio~,. .. ~.:-------------- 936 forrepa1ra Of ataeiialB_____________ 936 for ro&dw, ~.,Jn 4l&aka,.-- -- -- .. --- 936 for !!.Q~cttoli: (Na.vY transfer)____ 936 for lI'b~ Mo~,-·Y.a., sewerage_____ 938 ,or:50.~~to~ __ ~--------- 1619 for . • elI..,- _____ ________ 1619 for, . tihg. eaand ran~____ 1619 fot TarmstroBot (talk)-~~--B-00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC) 1619 '" for .civilial! training campl______ 1619,1672 .' ,'~·,;ep~J~,~RPD, Samar, P. L 1623, , .... 'i'"" . 1674 f~;~c&l8urvey transfer_______ 1620 fOll,Alr Bervioe____ ,. .. __ ~ ___ __ ___ 1672,1674 for' MilitarY~'"noe Division, General ,... ___________ 1674 acquisition of a~ properties dur- jilll i ;Woll4. ,W~ farmunitiona ,. manUlacture, validated.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 462 credita.allow~_gnatecl otliCEll'll for ,.paymantUllI&de therefor________ 463 Air COrps 'expertm.Dtal and, test P,lant t~~ tQ,~~ent Bl~ at Wri~.~"Da~, Ohio____ 299 heavy Be&89J.t!.E retriever, author- Ized for )\!ance Field, Canal ZOn~--....---- __ -------------- 717 allowance of six months' pay to de- . pendent of otlicer, etc., dying in .senice etc;, enended to nurses_ 249 amoUDt authorized for completing roads at Presidio of San Fran- ci8co,.CaUL------------------- 484 Armtt-::Continued. ~ appomtmenf.authorised of Engineer offteer 011 oommt.ion to inspect, etc•• 'battle field of Fort Donel- 8OIl1 TeIIDl_____ ~________________ 367 Georr:,.!t~~:..~__ TarmstroBot (talk) 00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC) _~~ 434 as warrant· dflieen,· peJ'IIODa whoee · c ommJea(onain WOrld War,Inter- · iupted the 12 years' requisite IMi'rice .. quartermaster clerkl__ 719 '4utborizatioll· for appropriatiollB for ·:buildiIlP, 'etc., at deelgnated W~~H~tai;D:O:::-::::: TarmstroBot (talk) TarmstroBot (talk)can;~dij;g;,-iiitii: 748 ties, etc__ . _____ ______ _____ ,_ _ __ 748 acq~g by condemna.tiol1t.l&llda near Fort K~ehameba, Hawaii, for ftybaa 1Ie1c:L___ .___________ 750 buildings. .etc.,T QD old aviation field TUCSOn, Ariz., donated to the . city_____ .. ___________ ,,_______ 572 cadet ~l etc., authorised at ~ilitary Aoademy_____________ 300 cannon taken from Confederate forces, donated to Charleston, S.C ____ 497 Car~l!TarmstroBot (talk):,t~~-TarmstroBot (talk) 250 Chief of SWf. w~ 80 serving, to have . rank and title of general. _ __ __ _ 1255 and Chief of ,Naval Operations to J'IPoDk lIetween themaelveB and above .a u.'other otlioen______________ 1255 relative ranks of present Chiefs, Dot cbanged--i.-~---------------- 1255 Congressional JDeOal of honor awarded to Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh. Air Corps Reserve, for airplane no.II!MP Bight from, r;ew York to Pan8____________ ~ __ ~ __ _ _ ~--- 1 construction authorized for camp tail- ~, at CamP McClellan. Ala_ 430 conv~yoce pt ~ort McKinleY, Me.! water llfpe Hne, etc., to Portlana Wa.ter DlBtrict___________ ._ _ __ 699 doublepellBion allowed for death or · diBabili.ty from aviation duty___ 1436 enlisted men, dieoliargedfor fraudu- lently miBl'epi'eBelitiJlg age, who. aerved, during the World' War, Oons1d~red honorably discharged_ 1505 , no back par, etc-__ ___ ____ ___ ___ __ 1505 erection autborized of Bagstaffl etc., at Fort Sumter, S. 'C., n com- memarp,tion of defense thereof by General Robert Anderson_ __ 499 tablet to,memory of Federal 80ldiers killed battle of P.. -ryville, Ky _ _ 160 establishment of national cemetery there________________________ 160 exchange of tract. ill Phllade1phia, Pa.., authorised with Pennsylvania RaIlroad Company____ ;. _ _ __ _ _ _ 458 flags, tent&,· etc., may be loaned for ceremonies of inauguration of the President_________________ 1141 Fort Brown, Tex., sale of portion of, reaervation. _________________ ~ 973 Fort Mcnmouth Reservation, N. J .; a.dditional strip of land to be _purchased for_________________ 251 Fort Wadsworth, N. Y ., completion of barracks. etc________________ 453, 1425