Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1764

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INDEX. xiii Architect oj the Capitol-Continued. p .... appropriation for tree surgery ________ 1396 for Pedestal, Mamhall statue_______ 1396 for Senate and House garages and Maltby Building_______ 526,1396 for subwar, Capitol to Senate. Office BuildIng_____________________ 1396 for Senate Office Building, mainte- nance____________________ 52~ 1396 for plans, etc.! for completing Senate Office Building_______________ 1396 for House Office Building, mainte- nance ____________________ 526,1396 for Capitol power plant_________ 526, 1396 purchases independent of Supply Committee________________ 527,1396 reimbursement from -Government agencies for heat, light, and power furnished by_________ 527,1396 for operating force, Library of Con- gress Building, etc__________ 527,1396 for trees, etc., for the grounds___ 527, 1397 for repairs, etc., to Library Bund- ing_______________________ 527,1397 for altering, vtc., stacks_ ___________ 527 for furniture, shelving, etc ______ 527,1397 for purchase of sites for addi1;ional buildings for Library__________ 1397 for ccnstruction of new conservato- ries, etc., for Botanic Garden__ _ 1397 for printing and binding for _____ 530,1400 deficiency appropriation for subway, Capito[ and Senate Office Build- ing; amount reappropriated____ 4 for Bouse Office Building__________ 4 for Capitol powllr plant___________ 4 for Steuart's garage_______________ 885 for Senate Office Building_ _______ 1608 for acquiring site). preparin5 ]llans, etc., for new HOUse Office Build- ing__________________________ 1608 for installing incinerators_ _________ 1624 area for enlarging Capitol Grounds, etc., to be under control of_____ 1695 duties of, in construction of new Bouae of Representatives Office Build- ing__________________________ 1071 made a member of Joint Commis- sion on Library of Congress Buildings____________________ 522 property when acquired to be under his control, etc_______________ 523 authorized to have buildingaetc., re- moved, when land needed for Library additions____________ 523' submission to Congress discontinued, of statement of transfers of appa- ratus, etc., to other branches of theservice___________________ 995 to serve on Commission for Enlarging Capitol Grounds_____________ 421 National Memorial Commission for erecting a building as a tribute to the achievements of the Negro in ),unerica_____________________ 1699 new Supreme Court Building; to be executive officer, etc._ __ ___ ___ _ 1067 Architect8' Registration Act D. C., certificate from Board of Examiners re- quired to practice under title' of architect_ ___________________ 950 use of title restricted to holders of___ 950 to corporation, if all executive officers are architects________________ 950 Architects' Regi8tration Act, D. C .--Con. certificate from Board of Examinerf; without examination, if actually en- TarmstroBot (talk) 00:56, 25 September 2010 (UTC) ~_:~~t!~_TarmstroBot (talk) _1~~ limited year requirement if practicing outside the District over ten Paa'l. 950 years_______________________ 951 record, etc., of examination papers, etc., to be kept ______________ _ annual renewal of certificate and fee __ effect of failure __________________ _ persons exempt from requirements ___ _ proceedings for revocation of certifi- 951 951 951 951 cates________________________ 951 require:TarmstroBot (talk) ~~e:s_TarmstroBot (talk)_~_TarmstroBot (talk) 00:56, 25 September 2010 (UTC): 952 power of Board to require attendance, secure testimony, etc__________ 952 assistance of Supreme Court of the Instrict_____________________ 952 unauthorized use of title .. arohitect," etc.• a misdemeanor___________ 953 punishment for___________________ 953 prior acts of Board of Examiners, etc., not affected__________________ 953 title of Act. ____________________ ___ 953 Archives Building, Wa8hington, D. C., appropriation for acquiring site and construction ofj cost increased__ 1044 Arctic Region8 by Air8llip, International Societll Jor Ezploration oj annual contributions autho~ to, for five·years _________________ -- - 1222 deficiency appropriation for________ 1652 Ardmore, Okla., terms of court at____________________ 1518 Argentina, appropriation for ambassador to ____ 65,1096 Arid and Semiarid Landa, appropriation for investigations, etc., for development 01.__________ 231 Arid Lands, appropriation for study, etc., of drought resistant crops, etc_________ 551,1201 Arizona, appropriation for additional publio schools within lnrl'loIl reserva- tions in; to be maintained by State________________________ 1578 deficiency appropriation for emergency eradication of pink bollworm of cotton in____________________ 13 for support of Indians in __________ 41,47 additional grant of lands to, for miners' hospi~____________________ 1252 compact between, and New Mexico, au- thorized, for ~iviaion of waters of Gila, etc., rivers_ _____________ 1517 provisions of Boulder Canyon Project Act applicable to, under Colo- rado River compact_______ 1057-1066 sums for allotting landst etc., not to be used for Indians In, unleas resid- ing on publio domain prior to June 30,1914________________ 1568 water power permits on Colorado River and tributaries not to be izsued untn March 5, 1930, unless Boulder Canyon Project Act ef- fective prior thereto___________ 1446 Gila Riverexcepted_______________ 1446 time extended for relinquishin, railroad grant lands to Indians In ______ 299