Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1759

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viii INDEX. American Legion, Depo.rlf'IJtJN oj New p .... J~ erection of chapel by, permitted as a memorial to thole whoee Uvea are lost in aviation___ .. ___ __ ___ 1478 American Priming HO'IIMJ/or Uae Blind, appropriation for providing books, etc. by_______________________ !86,1049 deficienoy appropriation for providing books, etc. by________________ 34 American Stamm, appropriation for relief and protection of, in foreign countries, etc___ 68, 1098 for teatimoniaIa lor resouing ship- wrecked, etc.: __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ 69,1100 deficienoy appropriation for reHef and protection of_______________ 48, 1618 American Veuela, appropriation for inveBtigating dis- criminations against}etc_ ___ 585, 1243 American., TwmtrHhinl fIIemcItioftal COf&(/ru.o/ three delegates to be appointed to_ ___ __ 723 A1II8TiccJni1ClliDft Wor", P1Iblic School8, D. C.t appropriation for exp8naee Instructing foreilrners of all apL_______ 661,1277 A_S",", n., D. C., applOp!iatioD forlP'aCiing, Fiftieth BtreeUoDiviafonAvenue______ 655 AmmufttAma, Ann" appropriation for manufacture, etc., for IID&ll arms, etc_______________ 342 .for preserving, eto__ __ ____________ 342 formountaln, etc., O&mlOD_________ 343 for mountain, etc., artillery practice_ 343 for military lI&Iutea, etc___________ 1365 defioiency appropriation for _________ 43, 936 for atorase facil1ities ____________ 928, 1665 AmmuniUoft, Army Gnd NGfJ1h joint board of Army and Navy offloel'll to advfae on storage, etc., of, 8upplies______________________ 928 A""'~ Navg, appropriation for procuring, etc__ __ 630, 1458 for smobleu powder___________ 631,1459 deficienoy appropriation for improving lightning protection, at certain ammunition depots___________ 908 Ammullitima ~ joint Army and Navy boaM to survey location of, hi dangerous prox- imity to populous communities, etc__________________________ 35 report to Congress of results, reoom- mendations,etc_______________ 35 appropriations available for expenaea.. 35 Aramll1Mtion 810rGge F~, NGtJf/, appropriation for providing, at Various depots_______________________ 1464 Amoy, ChinG, deficiency appropriation lor consular bufJdiT.' etc.; reappropriation_ 28 A""terdam, N. ., appropriation for publio building___ 177, 1041 AftGCOatio PQ1I'k, D. C., • appro~ion for reeIaimlng Anacostia !'::or':~__~~_!~_~~:~lofi8, 1295 A_coatia Riller Grad Flats, D. C., appropriation for reclaiming, etc., for development of Aliacoetia Park_____________________ 678, 1295 AnacoBtia River Bridge. D. C., Pap, appropriation for operating ezpense8_ _ _ 657 for reconstruction, etc___________ __ 1274 Anadarko, OklG., deficiency appropriation for Riverside Indian School, boys' dormitory_ boys' dormitory authorized at River- side Indian School near_______ _ Anclaorage. Altuka, issue 01 bonds by, authorized for ad- ditionalsohool building _______ _ special election to determine; interest, eto.; payment, eto ____________ _ proceeds to be used for no other pur- pose; sale of bonds___________ _ 901 401 376 876 877 Ancon HOIpitGl, PGftGmG Conal ZMle, name of, changed to Gorgas HospitaL __ 86S right&, etc•• not affected by chailge._ 366 Ander8M1, Clifford L., time uteuded for bridging Delaware River at Burlington, N. J ., by Joeepb R. Cheesman and_______ 243 Ander8M1, Ind., appropriation tor public building______ 1041 deficiency appropriation for remodel- ing, etc., public building______ . :. 918 Ander8M1, General Robert erection of i!agstafI, ;te., permitted at Fort Sumter, S. C ., in commem- oration of defeIlfle thereof by__ 499 Ander8M111iU. National Cemetery, acceptance authorized of bronze tablets to be placed In_______________ 1447 Andre, NeZ.MI, sum authorized to pay mother of, killed . In HaitL____________________ 1477 Andrue, Joma A., name p1a.oed on yellow fever honor roll, and presented gold medal______ 1409 to reCeive 1123 monthly _____________ 1410 Angele.t Natitmal Form, ColiJ., approp!iationforimprovements, etc_ 355, 1205 An.mal Huabondry, appropriation for feeding and breeding investigations in___________ 546, 1197 Animal 1nd~trv. Bureau, Deparlmenl 0/ Agricultw'IJ, appropriation for salaries and ex- for C':oiBureaii;-Md-~ffice-a~ 1195 field personnel_____________ 545, 1196 for inspection and quarantine work _____________________ ~ 1196 for investigating tuberculosis and paratuberculosis of animals__ 546, 1196 Indemnities for anim.aJs de- ~yed ___________ ~ __ _ __ _ 546, 1196 for eradicating southern cattle tioks; demonstration work________ 546, 1197 Hmitation on expenditures____ 546, 1197 for animal husbandry experi- ments____________________ 546, 1197 reeding, breedillg, etc_________ 646,1197 poultry feeding and breeding__ 647,1197 sheep experimentatation, Idaho_ 547,1197 for ariimal diseases investigations; Betheada, Md., station_____ M7,1197 contagious abortion of a.nimaIs_ 547, 1197 .for eradIcating hog cholera, etc__ 547, 1197 regulating trade in animal viruses, etc_______________________ 547, 1197 method of prevention, etc __ ~ __ 547,1197