Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1746

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SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SEss . II . CH. 708 . 1929 . (3) Closing of C Street to vehicular traffic between New Jersey Avenue and Delaware Avenue, and removal of street-car tracks from C Street and re-laying them i n a depression and s ubway between New Jersey Avenue and Delaware Avenue, and extending the street-car tracks on C Street from Delaware Avenue to First Street Northeast ; (4) Removal of street-car tracks from Delaware Avenue and B Street (including the spur extending from Delaware Avenue into the Capitol Grounds) and re-laying them on First Street Northeast ; (5) Cons truct ion o f an unde rgrou nd ga rage exte nding fro m Del a- ware Avenue to New Jersey Avenue ; (6) Acquisition of private property and removal of existing build- ings, as hereinafter provided ; and (7) C onstru ction of ter races and fo untains , grad ing, l andsca ping, and architectural treatment. SEC. 2 . For the purposes of this Act the A rchitect of the Ca pitol is authorized, under the direction of the commission- (1) To acquire, on behalf of the United States, by purchase, con- demnation, or otherwise, all or any part of the privately owned lands, incl uding buildi ngs an d othe r stru ctures, in lo t 800 of squ are nu m- bered 574 ; square numbered 575 ; lots 1, 2, and 818 of square num- bered 630 ; lot 1 of square numbered 631 ; the western half of square numbered 633 ; and reservation numbered 12, as such squares and reservation appear on the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia as of the date of the approval of this Act . Any condemnation proceedings instituted under authority of this Act shall be in accordance with the provisions of section 3 of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891, and for other purposes," approved August 30, 1890, as amended. (2) When title to the property specified in subdivision (1) of this section has been vested in the United States, to provide for the demolition and removal, as expeditiously as possible, of any struc- tures thereon ; and to provide for the demolition and removal, as expeditiously as possible, of any structures on other lands within the area of the proposed development . (3) To enter into contracts, to purchase materials, supplies, equip- ment, and accessories, in the open market, to employ the necessary personnel, including professional services without reference to sec- tion 35 of the Act approved June 25, 1910, and to make such expendi- tur es, i nclu ding expen ditu res f or ad vert ising and trave l an d the purchase of technical and reference books, as may be necessary . SEC. 3 . All privately owned lands acquired under the provisions of thi s Act, toget her wi th all other lands within the a rea of devel op- ment proposed in Scheme B of House Document Numbered 252, Seventieth Congress, first session, including streets and roadways, shall be a part of the Capitol Grounds under the jurisdiction and control of the Architect of the Capitol, and all lands within such area heretofore under the jurisdiction and control of the Commis- sioners of the District of Columbia are hereby transferred to the jurisdiction and control of the Architect of the Capitol ; except that any street or roadway within such area under the jurisdiction and control of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall not be transferred to the jurisdiction and control of the Architect of the Cap itol unti l such ti me as the Architec t of the Capitol f iles noti ce in writing with the Commissioners of the District of Columbia that suc h tran sfer i s nece ssary for th e prop osed de velopm ent . SEC. 4. (a) It shall be the duty of any street-railway company, the removal of whose tracks is necessary under the plan of the proposed development, when so requested in writing by the Architect of the 1695 Designate d privately owned lands, etc ., to be acquired . Condem nation au- thorized . Vol.26,p. 412. Remova l of build - ings, etc., when prop- erty acquired . Op en market con - tra cts, pro fessi onal ser vices , et c. Vol.36,p. 699. Ali acquired lands, etc., to he part of Cap- itol Grounds under the Architect of the Cap- itol . Transfers from Dis- trict Commissioners . Temporary retention of streets and roadways . Street railway com- panies, to remove and relay tracks, etc.