Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1658

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1607 CHAP. 706.-An Act Making appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies March 4,1929. in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929, and prior fiscal

[n .R. 15348 .] years, to provide urgent supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending [Pu blic, No . 1034 .] June 30, 1929, and for other purposes . Be it enacted b f the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f Amer ica in C ongress assemble d, That the following 19 9irst Deficiency Act, sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, to supply urgent deficiencies in certain appropria- tions for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929, and prior fiscal years, to provide urgent supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929, and for other purposes, namely LEGISLATIVE SENATE To pay Amanda J. Gooding, widow of Honorable Frank R . Good- ing, late a Senator from the State of Idaho, $10,000 . For payment to Ingham G . Mack for services rendered as assistant cler k to the Co mmitt ee on Publi c Lan ds an d Surv eys i nvest igatin g the occupation, leasing of, and contracts for oil and oil lands in the Salt Creek field in Wyoming ; the transactions and activities of the Continental Tra di ng Co mpa ny of Canada and the continued investi- gation of all oil leases as authorized by Senate resolutions of the presen t Congre ss numbe red 101, 202, an d 237, r espectiv ely, and reso- lutions numbered 282 and 294 of the Sixty-ninth Congress, continued during the present Congress, fiscal year 1929, $2,500 . For the purc hase and exc hang e of an auto mobi le for the V ice President, fiscal year 1929, $5,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary . For stationery for Senators, committees, and officers of the Senate, fiscal year 1929, $3,500 . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Legislati ve . Senate. Frank R . Gooding . Pay to widow . Ingham G. Mack . Services . Automobile for Vice President . Stationery . Rouse of Representa- tives . For

to the widow of Thomas S . Butler, late a Re resenta- P

But ler . payme nt



P ay y to w wid e widow . tive from th e State of Penns ylvania, $10,000 . For payment to the wido w of Louis A. Frothingham, late a Rep- ham. A . Frothing - For

from th e State of Massa chusetts , $10,00 0 .

Pay to widow . For payment to the widow of Henry R . Rathbone, late a Rep re- Pay to y w. Rathbone. widow . sentative from the State of Illinois, $10,000. For payment to the widow of Thomas L . Rubey, late a Repre- Thomas to widow . Rubey . sentative from the State of Missouri, $10,000 . The four pre cedi ng a ppro pria tion s sh all be d isbu rsed by the Sergeant at Ar ms of the House . Committee on Ways and Means : Those members of the Committee ways and Means Committee . on Ways and Mea ns of the Ho use of R epre sent ati ves of the S ev- Members elect of entieth Congress who are

71st Congress, author. Members elect to the Seventy-first Con- ized to hold meetings, emp loy expe rts, etc ., gress, or a majority of the m, after March 4, 1929, and until the ct to g ather inf ormat ion meeting of the first session of the Seventy-first Congress are author- for revision of Tariff of 192-, etc . ized, by subcommittee or otherwise, to' hold such hearings and to sit at such times and places within the United States, to employ such expert, clerical, and stenographic services, and to gather such infor- mation, throug h Government agents or oth erwise, as to them may seem fit in the preparation of a bill or bills for the revision of the Printing and other Tariff Act of 1922 and other customs laws ; and they are authorized necessary e xpenses. to have such printing and bindi ng do ne (no twith stand ing an y lim i- tation in existing law as to number of copies of any document) and to incur such othe r expe nses as may be deemed necessary ; all such expenses (except for printing and binding, which shall be charged