Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1513

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SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 483. 1929. Fuel oil reserve . Bureau of Medicine and Surgery . acquired, to be charged at the last issue rate for fuel acquired by purchase, when, in his judgment, prices quoted for supplying fuel are e xcessive . RESERVE FuliL OIL Procurement, etc ., for For the procurement and transportation of petroleum products storage. to be placed in reserve storage tanks, $450,000, to be available imme- diately, and, in addition, the unobligated balance on January 30, 192 9, of the cont inuin g ap propr iatio n " Reserve material, Navy," and such sum or sums as may accrue from time to time within the total of the appropriation " Fuel and transportation, Bureau of Sup- plies and Accounts, 1930," from the purchase of fuel oil at an average rate lower than 97.22 cents per barrel, are hereby made available for issue restricted .

such purpose. Fuel acquired hereunder shall not be issued without the approval of the President . BURE AU OF MEDIC INE AND SU RGERY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Surgeons' necessaries . For surgeons' necessaries for vessels in commission, navy yards, Civil establishment . naval stations, and Marine Corps ; and for the civil establishment at the s ever al na val h ospi tals, navy yar ds, n aval medic al s upply depots, Naval Medical School and dispensary, Washington, and Naval Academy ; for tolls and ferriages ; purchase of books and sta- tionery ; hygienic and sanitary investigation and illustration


tary, hygienic, administrative, and special instruction, including the vehicles, etc. issuing of naval medical bulletins and supplements ; purchase and repairs of nonpassenger-carrying wagons, automobile ambulances, and harness ; purchase of and feed for horses and cows ; maintenance, repai r, and opera tion o f thre e pass enger-c arryin g moto r vehi cles f or naval dispensary, Washington, District of Columbia, and of one motor-propelled vehicle for official use only for the medical officer on out-patient medical service at the Naval Academy ; trees, plants, care of grounds, garden tools, and seeds ; incidental articles for the Naval Medical School and naval dispensary, Washington, naval medi cal suppl y dep ots, sick quar ters at N aval Acade my a nd ma rine barr acks ; wa shing for medic al d epart ment at N aval Medic al S chool and naval dispensary, Washington, naval medical supply depots, sick quarters at Naval Academy and marine barracks, dispensaries at navy yards and naval stations, and ships ; and for minor repairs on build- ings and grounds of the United States Naval Medical School and naval medical supply depots ; rent of rooms for naval dispensary, Care, etc., of insane Washington . District of Columbia, not to exceed $1,200 ; for the care, on Pacific coast . maintenance, and treatment of the insane of the Navy and Marine Corps on the Pacific coast, including supernumeraries held for trans- fer to the Government Hospital for the Insane ; for dental outfits and dental material ; and all other necessary contingent expenses ; Proviso .

in all, $2,066,50 0 : Provid ed, That the sum to be paid out of this Clerical, etc ., services . appr opri ation , und er t he di recti on of the Secr etary of the N avy, for clerical service in naval hospitals, dispensaries, medical supply depots, and Naval Medical School, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19 30, shall not exce ed $150,0 00 . Care of the dead .

CA RE OF THE DE AD Expenses of inter- ment of officers, etc ., dying in s ervic e . For the care of the dead ; for funeral expenses and interment or tran spor tatio n to thei r hom es or to d esig nated ceme teri es of the remains of officers (including officers who die within the United States) and enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps, of members of the Nurse Corps, reservists on active or training duty, and accepted