Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1385

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 352. 1929 . of Columbia, shall not be required to pay any fee in connection with Refunds . ,:N any such application . The commission may, on showing o any adequate cause, refund to an applicant for a license on the basis of examination any or all of the fee paid by him, prior to the reference of his application to an examining board for consideration, and thereafter if the applicant is by reason of sickness or other ade- quate cause prevented from entering the examination, the com- mission may refund not more than 50 per centum of such fee . An applicant for a license by reciprocity who fails to establish his right to such a license, and an applicant for registration as a person exempted from licensure who fails to establish his right to such registration, may be repaid by the commission not to exceed 80 per centum of the amount deposited by him with his application . Present practitioners

S under former law, de-

EC. 24 . Eve ry person lic ensed to pract ice medicine and surgery siring to continue, must or to practice midwifery in the District of Columbia under the apply for license . Vol. zs,p.138. provision s of an Act en titled "An Ac t to regulate the practice of medicine and surgery, to license physicians and surgeons, and to punish persons violating the provisions thereof in the District of Columbia," as approved June 3, 1896, as amended, who desires to continue so to practice after this Act becomes effective, shall ap pl y Publication of re- quirement . for a license so to do . As soon as practicable after the approval of this Act the commission shall by publication give notice of this requirement in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the District of Columbia and in one or more medical journals of Relicensing. national circulation . Application for such relicensing shall be made within ninety days after the publication of such notice . A licentiate who within the time thus limited applies for relicensing may continue to practice until the commission has acted on his appli- cation and granted to him a new license, if he be entitled thereto . A licentiate who fails to make applica tion for relic ensing within the time thus limited, but who later makes such application, shall not practi ce unti l afte r a new licens e, if the com mission finds him en titled In flue years no thereto has been issued to him . After five ears after the approval license to be issu ed

y based on former laws . of this Act the commissio n shall issue no license to practice the healing art in the District of Columbia on the basis of a license to pract ice me dicine and surger y or t o prac tice midwif ery, i n the District of Columbia, in force on the date of its approval . Every license issued under the provisions of this section shall show whether the licentiate was licensed in the first instance on the basis of a diploma and of registration without examination, or on the basis of examination, and shall show the date of such original registra- Osteopathy.

tion, if there be any, and of such original license . App lic at ion f rom Any person who was engaged in the practice of osteopathy in present practi tioners . Requirements.

the District of Columbia on or before January 1, 1928, may deliv er . to the commission, within ninety days after the approval of this Act, a written application for a license to practice osteopathy and surgery in the District of Columbia, together with satisfactory proof that the applicant is not less than twenty-one years of age and of good moral character, and had previously obtained a diploma from some legally incorporated school or college of osteopathy, and had been actively engaged in the practice of osteopathy for the past ten years, or had previously obtained a diploma from some legally incor- porated college of osteopathy whose requirements were equal to those Issue of l icens es .

recognized b y the America n Osteopathic Association . When the commission is satisfied as to the qualifications of the applicant as aforesaid, it shall issue to him a license to practice oste opath y For

osteo pathy and su rgery : Pr ovid ed, That the commission may, in or osteopathy only, without surgery. its di scretio n, iss ue to s uch app licant s licen ses to practi ce oste opathy only, which licenses shall not permit the practice of surgery unless they satisfy the commission that they have had adequate clinical