Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1346

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cx. 314. 1929 .

1295 For printing, stationery, and postage, $750 .

Printing, etc. For cleaning and repairing uniforms, arms, and equipments, and contingent expenses, contingent expenses, $1,200 .

Target practice For expenses of target practice matches, including matches held matche s . outside of the Di strict of Columbia and tra vel incid ent there to, $2,50 0 . Pay of troops . For pay of troops other than Government employees, to be dis- bursed under the authority and direction of the commanding general, $9,000. ANACOSTIA RIVER AND FLATS For continuing the reclamation and development of Anacostia Co ntinu ng develop- Park, in accordance with the revised plan as set forth in Senate Docu- meat . ment N umbere d 37, Sixty- eighth Congr ess, fi rst se ssion, $180, 000 . PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND PUBLIC PARKS

Public Buildings and Public Parks . SALARIES, PUBLIC PARKS, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA For personal services, $405,000 . GENERAL EXPENSES, PUBLIC PARKS Perso nal servi ces . Public parks. Maintenance, serv- General expenses : For general expenses in connection with the ices, and general ex- mainten ance, care, improv ement, furni shing o f heat , ligh t, and power pelf of public parks, grounds, fountains, and reservations, propagating gardens and greenhouses under the jurisdiction of the Office of Public Buildin gs and Publi c Park s of t he Nat ional C apital , incl uding $5,000 potomaotPark .p' East for the maintenance of the tourists' camp on its present site in East Potomac Park, and including personal services of seasonal or inter- mittent employees at per diem rates of pay approved by the director, not exceeding current rates of pay for similar employment in the District of Columbia ; the hire of draft animals with or without drivers at local rates approved by the director ; the purchase and maintenance of draft animals, harness, and wagons ; contingent expenses ; city directories ; communication service ; car fare ; traveling expenses ; professional, scientific, technical, and law books ; periodi- cals and reference books ; blank books and forms ; photographs ; dic- tionaries and maps ; leather and rubber articles for the protection of employees and property ; the maintenance, repair, exchange, and operation of not to exceed four motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles and all necessary bicycles, motor cycles, and self-propelled machinery ; the purchase, maintenance, and repair of equipment and fixtures, and so forth, $570,000 : Provided, That not exceeding $35,000 Outdoor sports, band of the amount herein appropriated may be expended for placing and concerts, etc g maintaining portions of the parks in condition for outdoor sports and for expenses incident to the conducting of band concerts in the Anacostia Park. parks ; not exceeding $25 .000 for the improvement and maintenance Rock Creek and Po- as recreation parks of Sections C and D, Anacostia Park ; not exceed- tomacparkway. ing $122,000 for the improvement of the Roc k Creek and Potomac connect ing pa rkway and th e cont inuati on of c onstru ction of sea wall ; not exceeding $100,000 for the improvement of Meridian Hill Park

Meridian Hill Park . no t exce eding $14,00 0 for instal lation of lig hting and se wer sy stems for the Sylvan Theater ; not exceeding $40,000 for beginning the sea East Poto mac tc .

Pa rk constru ction of a s idewal k and protec tive ra iling along the se a wall of East Potomac Park ; and not exceeding $10,000 for the erection of Proviso . minor auxiliary structures : Provided, That not to exceed $5,000 may Arc hi tec tu ral ser v- be expen ded by contr act or other wise f or arch itectu ral or other pro- 'cps . fessional services without reference to the Classification Act of 1923 as amended or civil-service rules, as approved by the director .