Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1326

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . II . CH. 314. 1929 . To enable the commissioners to carry out the provisions of exist- ing law governing the collection and disposal of garbage, dead ani- mals, night soil, and mi scella neous refuse and as hes in the D istric t of Columbia (no contract shall be let for the collection of dead ani- mals), inclu ding i nspect ion ; fe ncing of pub lic an d priv ate pr operty designated by the commissioners as public dumps ; and i nci de nt al expenses, $975,000, including not to exceed $25,000 for repair and improvement of the garbage reduction plant : Provi ded, That any proceeds received from the disposal of city refuse or garbage shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the United States and the District of Columbia in the manner provided by law : Provided further, That this appropriation shall not be available for collecting ashes or miscellaneous refuse from hotels and places of business or from apartment houses of four or more apart- ments in whi ch the landl ord fu rnishe s heat to ten ants . PUBL IC P LAYG ROUND S For personal services, $113,180 : Provided, That employments here- unde r, e xcept dire ctor s who shal l be empl oyed for t welv e mon ths, shall be distributed as to duration in accordance with correspond- ing employments provided for in the District of Columbia Appro- priation Act for the fiscal year 1924. For general maintenance, improvement, equipment, supplies, inci- dental and contingent expenses of playgrounds, including labor and maintenance of one motor truck, under the direction and supervision of the commissioners, $46,000 . For the maintenance and contingent expenses of keeping open during the summer months the public-school playgrounds, under the direction and supervision of the commissioners ; for special and tem- porary services, directors, assistants, and janitor service during the summer vacation, and, in the larger yards, daily after school hours during the school term, $29,000 . For supplies, installing electric lights, repairs, maintenance, and necessary expenses of operating three swimming pools, $3,000 . BATHING POOLS : For superintendence, $600 ; for temporary serv- ices, supplies, and maintenance, $4,500 ; for repairs to buildings, pools, and upkeep of grounds, $1,780 ; in all, $6,880 : Provided, That section 6 of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation Act approved May 10, 1916 (39 Stat ., p. 120, sec . 6), as amended, shall not apply to the position of superintendent of these bathing pools during the fiscal year 1930 . ELECT RICAL DEP ARTMENT For personal services, $128,680. For ge neral suppli es, re pairs, new b atterie s and batter y supp lies, telephone rental and purchase, telephone service charges, wire and cable for extension of telegraph and telephone service, repairs of lines and instruments, purchase of poles, tools, insulators, brackets, pins, hardware, cross arms, ice, record book, stationery, livery, pur- cha se and repai r of b icycle s, bla cksmit hing, e xtra l abor, new bo xes, maintenance of motor trucks, and other necessary items, $31,150. For placing wires of fire alarm, police patrol, and telephone serv- ices underground, extension and relocation of police-patrol and fire- alarm systems, purchase and installing additional lead-covered cables, labor, material, appurtenances, and other necessary equip- ment and expenses, including not to exceed $6,625 for replacement of obsolete fire-alarm boxes by new-type boxes, $30,000 . LIGHTING : For purchase, installation, and maintenance of public lamps, lamp-posts, street designations, lanterns, and fixtures of all 54835 •-29-PT 1-84 1275 Garbage, dead ani - mals, ashes, etc. Garbag e reductio n plant. Provisos. Deposit of receipts . Use restricted . Public playgrounds. Personal services . Proviso. Emplo yment re- stricted. Vol . 42, p. 1340. e Mai nten ance, etc . Public school play- gro unds dur ing the summer . Swimming pools. Bathi ng pools . Proviso . Double pay restric- tion not applicable to super intendent . Vol. 39, p. 120. El ectr ical depa rt- ment . Pe rsona l se rvice s . Suppl ies, conting ent expen ses, etc . Placing wires under- ground . Police-patrol and fire- alarm systems, etc . Lighting streets, etc .