Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1315

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1264 Coroner's office . Expenses of morgue, inquests, etc . Motor vehicle . Of fice ofsup erint end- ent of weights, etc . Pe rsona l ser vice . Inspection, etc. Markets . Motor vehicles . Highways de pa rt- ment . Use of shops . Proviso . Replacing

equip- ment, etc . Sewer department . Tre es and pa rking dep artment . Engineer de pa rt- ment, office of chief clerk. Central garage. Mu nicip al ar chite ct's of fice . Limit for services of draftsmen, etc. Basis of amount in- creased. V SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 314 . 1929 . CORONER'S OFFICE For personal services, $10,040 . For the main tenan ce of a n onpas senge r-ca rryin g mot or wa gon for the morgue, jurors' fees, witness fees, making autopsies, ice, disin- fectants, telephone service, and other necessary supplies, repairs to the morgue, and the necessary expenses of holding inquests, includ- ing stenographic services in taking testimony, and photographing un identifie d bodies, $4,000 . For the purchase and exchange of a nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicle, $775 . OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF WEIGHTS, MEASURES, AND MARKETS For personal services, $47,080 . For purch ase of commo dities , incl uding persona l serv ices, in con - nection with investigation and detection of sales of short weight and measure, $500 . For maintenance and repairs to markets, $7,500 . For maintenance and repair of seven nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicles, $2,500 . For the purchase and exchange of one nonpassenger-carrying motor vehicle, $550, to be immediately available . HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT For person al ser vices, $215, 690 . For such additional construction on parcel 108/3 immediately east of the Bryant Street pumping station and at the District auto- mobile repair shop as may be necessary to house the shops of the highways department, including the laboratory of the inspector of asphalts and cements, and for repairing, servicing, and housing the motor vehicles of the highways department, the trees and parking depar tment , and of such other dep artme nts a s may be econo mical ly served at this location, $205,000 : Provided, That this appropriation shall be available for the expenses of moving, installing, purchasing, and replacing equipment, the extension of steam lines, personal serv- ic es, an d othe r nece ssary expens es . SE WER DEPARTME NT For personal services, $193,200 . TREES AND PARKING DEPARTMENT For person al ser vices, $22,8 80 . OFFICE OF CHI EF CLE RK, EN GIN EER D EPA RTM ENT For person al ser vices, $28,0 00 . CENTRAL G ARAGE For personal services, $5,240 . MUNICIPAL ARCHITECT'S OFFICE For personal services, $63,700 . All apportionments of appropriations for the use of the municipal architect in payment for the services of draftsmen, assistant engi- neers, clerks, copyists, and inspectors, employed on construction work provided for by said appropriations, shall be based on an amount not exceeding 3 per centum of a total of not more than $2,000,000 of appropriations made for such construction projects and not exceed- ing 23/4 per centum of a total of the appropriations in excess of $2 ,000,000 .