Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1293

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . II. Cii . 270 . 1929 . of Scientific Literature, including the preparation of a classified index catalogue of American scientific publications for incorporation in the International Catalogue, clerk hire, purchase of books and periodicals, traveling expenses, and other necessary incidental expenses, $6,495, together with $1,390 of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this purpose for the fiscal year 19288 Astrophysic al obser- vatory .

Astrophysical Observatory : For maintenance of the Astrophysical Obse rvat ory, under the dire ction of t he S miths onian Ins titut ion, inclu ding a ssista nts, p urchas e of b ooks, p eriodi cals, and ap paratu s, makin g nece ssary observ ations in hi gh alti tudes, repai rs and alter a- tions of bu ilding s, pre parati on of manuscr ipts, drawin gs, an d illu s- trations, traveling expenses, and miscellaneous expenses, $36,720 . Balance available. Vol . 46, p . 1080. Natio nal Muse um . Furniture, etc . Heati ng, ligh ting, etc . Preserving collec- tions, employees, etc . Repairs, etc. Books, etc . Postage . National Gallery of Art . Administration pen ses . Printing and bind- ing . American Historical Association. Proviso. No pr o rata restr ic- tion. Servi ces in the D is- trict . Tariff Commission. Reporting advertising . R.S.,sec.3709,p. 733. U.S. Code, p. 1309. Vol.39,p. 790. NATIONAL MUSEUM For cases, furniture, fixtures, and appliances required for the exhibition and safe-keeping of collections, including necessary employees, $33,240. For heating, lighting, electrical, telegraphic, and telephonic service, and traveling expenses, $90,160. For continuing preservation, exhibition, and increase of collections from the surveying and exploring expeditions of the Government, and from other sources, including necessary employees, travel, uni- forms for guards and elevator conductors, and all other necessary expenses and not exceeding $5,500 for preparation of manuscripts, drawings, and illustrations for publications, $57 0,084 . For repairs and alterations of buildings, shops, and sheds, includ- ing all necessary labor and material, $21,080. For purchase of books, pamphlets, and periodicals for reference, $2,000. For postage stamps and foreign postal cards, $450 . NATI ONAL GALLERY OF ART ex- For the administration of the National Gallery of Art by the Smithsonian Institution, including compensation of necessary employe es, pu rchase of bo oks of refer ence an d peri odical s, tra veling expenses, and necessary incidental expenses, $34,853 . PRINTING AND BINDING For all printing and binding for the Smithsonian Institution, including all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services located in Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $95,000, of which not to exceed $7,000 shall be available for printing the report of the American Historical Association : Provided, That the expenditure of this sum shall not be restricted to a pro rata amount in any period of the fiscal year . Total, Smithsonian Institution, $1,046,183, of which amount not to exceed $836,083 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . TARIFF COMMISSION Salarie s and expenses . For salaries and expenses of the United States Tariff Commission, including purchase and exchange of labor-saving devices, the pur- chase of professional and scientific books, law books, books of witho ut reference, gloves and other protective equipment for photostat and o ther machi ne o perat ors, payme nt i n adv ance for subsc ripti ons to newspapers and periodicals, and contract stenographic reporting services without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., p . 1309, sec . 5), as authorized under Title VII of the