Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1225

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHs. 197, 198 . 1929. owner thereof by the payment of the taxes and all legal penalties and costs thereon and such other costs as the court may deem proper . Conri to de cree sale Upon the proof in such suit of the failure of the owner or own- at txe sion by colle ctor o

ers of the property to redeem it as provided by law, the court shall, without unreasonable delay decree the sale of said property to sat- isfy the taxes, assessments, penalties, costs, and interest due the District of Columbia and the costs of the suit, and said sale shall be by the collector of taxes or his deputy, at public auction in front of said premises after advertisement of said sale for ten consecutive days in some daily newspaper of general circulation published in Proviso . No penalty if defect the District of Columbia : Provided, That if it shal l ap pear that m Interested sale . per sons there were substantial defects in any tax sale, no part of the pen- made parties . alties and charges incidental to such sales shall be collectible . All persons interested in the property or entitled to redeem from such tax sale, shall be made parties thereto, and the proceeds from such judicial sale shall be applicable to the payment of the aggregate taxes, penalties, costs, including costs of such public advertising and sale, and interest due to the District of Columbia and the pay- Fees or commissions ment of costs of such suit . In no such case shall there be any not allowed . allowance by the court for attorney's fees or trustees' commission . Price restriction .

No sale shall be made, unless by express order of the court, for an amount less than such aggregate taxes, interest, and costs of suit, into ourts to be paid including advertising and sale . Any surplus received from such sale over said amounts shall be paid by the collector of taxes into court to abide its further order for payment to the person or persons Title to purchaser on i confirmation of sale, n equity entitled to receive it, if they shall be known . On confirma- payment, etc . tion of the sale by the court, the court shall cause to be issued to the purchaser, when he shall have paid the purchase money and com- plied with the terms of sale, a deed to be executed by the clerk of the court which shall have the effect to convey to the purchaser all the right , title, and estat e of all parties d efendant, whether proceeded against as known or unknown . Newspaper publics- tion for personal service Publication may be substituted for personal service upon any all owed . defendants not personally ser ved by the marshal, whether known or unknown, by advertisement in some daily newspaper published in the District of Columbia at least once a week for three successive weeks, the first of such advertisements to appear at least three weeks before any petition shall be filed, and such costs of publication shall be lawful charges and be included in the costs of suit. re- SEC . 2 . That all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed . Approved, February 14, 1929 . Advertisem ent. Inconsistent acts pea led . February 14, 1929. [S. 3771 .1 [Public, No . 743 .) District of Columbia . Alley in square 1 083 vacated . CHAP . 198.-An Act Vacating the alley between lots 16 and 17, square 1083, District of Columbia . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Com- missioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authori zed to close , vaca te, an d aban don so much o f the fiftee n-foot public alley in square 1083 as lies between lots 16 and 17 ; same to revert in equal proportion to the abutting lots . Approved, February 14, 1929 .