Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1212

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHs . 173-175 . 1929 .

1161 to the Congress, together with a brief statement of the nature of the cla im or suit, the am ount c laimed, and the amo unt of the s ettlem ent, with a summary of the evidence and circumstances under which the settlement was made . Appropriations for the payment of such settlements are hereby authorized, payment thereof to be made in the same manner as are other expenditures for the District of Columbia . SEc . 4 . This Act shall take effect from and after its passage but nothing herein contained shall be construed as prohibiting the aom- missioners of the District of Columbia from proceeding according to the terms and provisions hereof to settle any claim or suit pending at the time of the enactment hereof, irrespective of the date of presentation of the claim to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia or the date of the filing of the suit . Approved, February 11, 1929 . Appropriations au- thorized. Effec tive date . Acti on on pendi ng claims . February 11, 1929. CHAP . 174 .-An Act To reserve certain lands on the public domain in Santa [S .7146 .1 Fe County, New Mexico, for the use and benefit of the Indians of the San [Public, No . 720.] Ildefonso Pueblo . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o America in Congress assembled, That all the vacant Public lands . f



T ract reserved for unappropriated, and undisposed of lands within the unsurveyed area Sa n Ildefonso Pueblo in township 19 north, range 7 east, New Mexico principal meridian, Indians, N . Alex . New Mexico, identified as a narrow strip, a little more than one and one-half miles wide and four miles long, running north and south, lying between the western boundary of the San Ildefonso Pueblo grant on the east and the eastern boundary of a portion of the Santa Fe National Forest on the west, be and they are hereby reserved for the sole use and benefit of the Indians of the San Ildefonso Pueblo : Provided, That the rights and claims of any bona Proviso. oof bona fide fide se ttler initia ted un der th e publ ic land laws prior to Jul y 27, settlers not affected . 1928, the date of withdrawal of the lands from all forms of entry, shall not be affected by this Act . Approved, February 11, 1929 . February 11, 1929 . CHAP. 175 .-An Act To reserve nine hundred and twenty acres on the pub- [S. 5147 .] lie domain for the use and benefit of the Kanosh Band of Indians residing in the [Public, No . 721 .] vicinity of Kanosh, Utah . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That nine hundred R ublicla os Kanosh and twenty acres of land described as the east half west half, west Band of India ns, Utah . half southwest quarter section 1; east half southwest quarter section 10; northeast quarter section 11; southeast quarter northwest quarter section 12; southwest quarter section 23; east half east half, west half southwest quarter section 27; all in township 23 south, range 5 west, Salt Lake meridian, Utah, be and the same is hereby reserved for the sole use and occupancy of the Kanosh Band of Indians in Proviso. Utah : Provided, That the rights and claims of any bona fide settler Rights of bona fide initiated under the public land laws prior to October 27, 1928, the settlers not affected . date of withdrawal of lands, from all form of entry, shall not be affected by this Act . Approved, February 11, 1929 .