Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1165

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1114 Buildings, construc- tion, etc . Vol.43,p. 724. U.S.Code,p . 520. Provisos . Cost limited. Outside architects, etc ., authorized. National Tra in ing School for Boys, D. C. Salar ies and expen ses . Probation system . Pay, etc ., of officers . Vol. 43, p. 1198. U.S .Code, p.516 . Support of prisoners . Rent, etc ., of build- ings . R. S., sees. 5537, 5538, p. 1073 . U.S. Code,p.513. In spect ion of pr ison s and prisoners. Department of Com- merce. Se creta ry, Assis tant , and off ice personnel . SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SEss. II . CH. 102 . 1929 . Const ruction : For the remodeli ng and constr uction of the neces- sary buildings and appurtenances, purchase of mechanical equipment, and other expenses incident to the construction of buildings in accordance with the provisions of "An Act for the establishment of a United States Industrial Reformatory," approved January 7, 1925 (U. S . C., p. 520, sec . 832), to be expended under the direction and upon the written order of the Attorney General by contract or pur- chase of material and hire of labor and services and utilization of labor of United States prisoners, as the Attorney General may direct, $150,000, to remain available until expended : Provided, That the total sum to be expended for such purposes shall not exceed $3,000,000 : And provided further, That the Secretary of the Treasury, if in his discretion it would be impracticable to cause the plans, draw- ings, designs, specifications, and estimates for the remodeling and construction of the necessary buildings to be prepared in the Office of the Supervising Architect of the Treasury Department, and the work of remodeling and constructing the said buildings to be super- vised by the field force of said office, may contract for all or any portion of such work to be performed by such suitable person or firm as he may select . National Training School for Boys, Washington, District of Colu mbia : For the National Tra ining School f or Boys, Wash ington, District of Columbia, including not to exceed $96,140 for salaries and wages of all officers and employees, and including not to exceed $1,040 for the purchase of a motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle, $208 ,000 . Proba tion system, United States courts : For sala ries and act ual expenses of probation officers, as provided by section 3 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the establishment of a probation system in the United States courts, except in the District of Colum- bia," approved March 4, 1925 (U. S. C., p . 516, sec . 726), $25,000 . Support of prisoners : For support of United States prisoners, including necessary clothing and medical aid, discharge gratuities provided by law and transportation to place of conviction or place of bona fide residence in the United States, or such other place within the United States as may be authorized by the Attorney General ; and including rent, repair, alteration, and maintenance of buildings occupied under authority of sections 5537 and 5538 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., p. 513, sees. 691, 692) ; support of pri soners becoming insane during imprisonment, and who continue insane after expiration of sentence, who have no friends to whom they can be sent ; shipping remains of deceased prisoners to their friends or relatives in the United States, and interment of deceased prisoners whose remains are unclaimed ; expenses incurred in identifying and pursuing escaped prisoners and for rewards for their recapture ; and not exceeding S2,500 for repairs, betterments, and improvements of United States jails, including sidewalks, $2,450,000 . Inspection of prisons and prisoners : For the inspection of United States prisons and prisoners, including traveling expenses of the superintendent of prisons, assistant superintendents of prisons, and clerk to the superintendent of prisons when traveling on official business of any character, to be expended under the direction of the Att orney General , $13,000 . TITLE III-DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OFFICE OF THE S ECRE TARY Salaries : Secretary of Commerce, $15,000 ; Assistant Secretary, and other personal services in the District of Columbia, including