Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1150

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 102. 1929 .

1099 SALARIES, DIPLOMATIC, CONSULAR, AND FOREIGN SERVICE OIrICERS WHILE RECEIVI NG INST RUCTIO NS AND IN TRAN SIT To pay the salaries of ambassadors, ministers, consuls, vice con- Instruction and suls, and other officers of the United States for the period actually and transit pay. necessarily occupied in receiving instructions and in making transits to and from their posts, and while awaiting recognition and author- R. s., sec .1740, p. 309. ity to act in pursuance with the provisions of section 1740 of U. S. Code, p. 650. the Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., p . 650, sec . 121), $23,000 . TRA NSPORTATI ON OF DIPLOMATIC, CONSULAR, AND FOREIGN SERVICE O FFICER S To pay the traveling expenses of Diplomatic, Consular, and For- eign Service officers, and clerks to embassies, legations, and consu- lates, including officers of the United States Court for China, and th e ite mize d and veri fied stat ement s of the actua l and nece ssar y expenses of transportation and subsistence, under such regulations as the Secretary of State may prescribe, of their families and effects, in going to and returning from their posts, including not to exceed $45,000 incurred in connection with leaves of absence, and of the tra nsport ation of the remai ns of those officer s and clerks , who have died or may die abroad or in transit while in the discharge of their off icial duties , to t heir f ormer homes in this count ry for inter ment and for the ordinary expenses of such interment at their posts or at home $410,000 : Provided, That no part of said sum shall be paid for trans portat ion on forei gn ves sels w ithout a cert ificat e from the Secretary of State that there are no American vessels on which such off icers and cl erks m ay be transp orted : Provided further, T h at th i s app ropria tion s hall b e avai lable also f or the author ized e xpense s of the judge and d istric t atto rney o f the United States Court for C hina whi le att ending sessi ons of the c ourt a t other citie s than Shang hai, not to exceed $8 per day each . EME RGE NCI ES ARISING IN THE DIP LOM AT IC AND CONSULAR SERVICE To e nabl e the Pres iden t to meet unfor esee n eme rgenc ies arisi ng in the Di plomat ic and Consu lar Se rvice, and to exten d the commer cial and other interests of the United States and to meet the necessary expenses attendant upon the execution of the Neutrality Act, to be expended pursuant to the requirement of section 291 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., p. 982, sec. 107), $400,000 . ALLOWANCE TO WIDOWS OR HEIRS OF DIPLOMATIC, CONSULAR, ANI FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICERS WHO DIE ABROAD For payment under the provisions of section 1749 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., p . 650, sec . 130) to the widows or heirs at law of Diplomatic, Consular, and Foreign Service officers of the United States dying in foreign countries in the discharge of their duties, $2,000. PO ST ALLOWANCE S TO DI PLO MAT IC, CONSULAR, AND FO REI GN O FFICER S To enable the President, in his discretion, and in accordance with such regulations as he may prescribe, to make special allowances by way of additional compensation to Diplomatic, Consular, and For- 54835°-29-PT 1-73 Transportation, etc,. expenses . On leaves of absence. Bringing home re- mains of officers dying abroad . Provisos. Passage on foreign ships restricted. Officials of United States Court for China. Emergencies . Neutrality Act ex- pe nses . R.S.,sec.291,p.49. U. S. Code, p.982. Allowances for offi- cers dying abroad. R.S..see.1749, p.311. U. S. Code, p. 650. SERVICE Post allowances . S pecia l all owanc es to m eet l iving expe nses of officers.