Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1088

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1037 the Treasury Department, including transportation of enlisted men and applicants for enlistment, with subsistence and transfers en route, or cas h in l ieu th ereof, expen ses of recrui ting f or the Coast Guard , rent of r endez vous, and expe nses of m ainta ining the same ; a dv e r- tising for and obtaining men and apprentice seamen, $340,000 ; For draft animals and their maintenance, $18,000 ;

Draft animals . For coastal communication lines and facilities and their mainte- Coastal communica- nance, $90,000 ;

tion . For compensation of civilian employees in the field, including p1Cye vilian field em- clerks to district commanders, $79,616 ;

Post, p. 1633. Fo r con ting ent e xpens es, i nclu ding commu nica tion servi ce, s ub- Contingent expenses. sistence of shipwrecked persons succored by the Coast Guard ; for the recreation, amusement, comfort, contentment, and health of the enliste d men of the Coast Guard , to b e expen ded in the d iscret ion of the Secretary of the Treasury, not exceeding $25,000 ; instruments and apparatus, supplies, technical books and periodicals, services necessary to the carrying on of scientific investigation, and experi- mental and research work in relation to telephony and radioteleg- raphy, not exceeding $4,000 ; care transportation, and burial of deceased officers and enlisted men, including those who die in Gov- ernment hospitals ; wharfage, towage, freight, storage, repairs to station apparatus, advertising, surveys, medals, labor, newspapers and periodicals for statistical purposes, and all other necessary expenses which are not included under any other heading, $270,000 ; For the completion of three of the Coast Guard cutters authorized Completing thre e in the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the construction of ten cuVol.44,p.725. vesse ls fo r the Coa st Gu ard," app roved June 10, 1926 (44 Stat ., p . 725), $2,200,000 ;

` Fo r comm encing the c onstru ction of one of the Coast Guard cutte rs Commencing one cut- ter. authorized in the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the construe- Vol. 44, p. 725. tion of ten vessels for the Coast Guard," approved June 10, 1926 (44 Stat ., p . 725), $100,000, to be available until June 30, 1931, of which n ot exc eeding $750 shall be ava ilable for th e purc hase o f such equipment and drafting supplies as may be required at Coast Guard headquarters in connection with the construction of such cutter Provided, That the total cost of this vessel and equipment shall not Fo•'s o- Limit of cost . exceed $900,000, and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to Contracts authorized . enter into contracts for its construction and equipment in sums not to exceed this aggregate amount ; Fo r repa irs to Coast Guard vesse ls and boats, $2,12 0,000 ;

Repairs to vessels . Tot al, Co ast Gu ard, e xclusi ve of comman dant's office , $29, 372,61 6 . BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING

Engraving and Print- ing Bureau . Of fice of d irector : For the d irecto r, two assis tant d irecto rs, and Direct or, ass istant s, other p ersona l serv ices i n the Distri ct of C olumbi a, $58 4,345 .

and off ice per sonnel . ork For the work of engraving and printing, exclusive of repay work, fisc al year authorized for during the fiscal year 1930, of not exceeding 205,000,000 delivered sheets of United States currency and national-bank currency, 92,380,973 delivered sheets of internal-revenue stamps, 5,222,083 delivered sheets of withdrawal permits, 636,000 delivered sheets of vol .3s, p.786; Vol .4o, opium orders and special-tax stamps required under the Act of Vol .13444, p . 99. p. zs December 17, 1914 (U. S . C ., p . 742, sec . 211), and 7,429,486 delivered U.S. Code, p. 742. sheets of checks, drafts, and miscellaneous work, as follows For salaries of all necessary employees, other than employees plate printers, Smepl coy ee s, . required for the administrative work of the bureau of the class provi ded f or an d sp ecifi ed in the Trea sury Depar tmen t App ropri a- tion Act for the fiscal year 1929 (45 Stat ., p . 172), and plate printers and plate printers' assistants, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, $3,266,915 . Z