Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1005

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS. SEss. I. CHs. 863, 864. 1928. In condemnation pro- Distri ct of Columb ia in accord ance w ith the provi sions of sub chapte r ccedings,Coin mis- sioners to mail notice of 1 of chapter 15, or in accordance with the provisions of chapter 55 of prope rty asse ssed •n property not taken, the Code of Law for the District of Columbia, the jury of condemna- when owner not noti- tion shall assess benefits against an land or parcel of land no art fled of proceedings by


h jury .

of which was taken by the condemnation proceedings, and the owner Vol. 34, p.151 . of the land or parcel of land so assessed for benefits was not served with notice of the condemnation proceedings, notice of such assess- ment for benefits shall be given by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia by registered letter, mailed to the last known address of the person listed on the records of the assessor of the District of Columbia as the owner of the land or parcel of land so assessed, and, Notice by court in in addition thereto, the court shall give public notice of the land or newspapers, parcels of land assessed for benefits, no part of which was taken by the co ndemna tion p roceed ings, by adv ertisem ent on ce in each o f thre e daily newspapers published in the District of Columbia showing the amount assessed against each such piece or parcel of land and stating the time within which interested parties may file with the court any sufficiency olnotices . Objections or exceptions they may have to the verdict . The mailing by registered letter and the notice by publication herein provided for shall be sufficient notice to the owner of any land or parcel of land option by c ommis- assessed for benefits as aforesaid. Nothing herein contained shall be si Vol. 44Pns 5fied . considered to abrogate or nullify the option conferred upon the Com- missioners of the District of Columbia by the Act of Congress approved May 28, 1926, entitled "An Act to provide for the con- demnat ion of land for th e open ing, e xtensio n, wid ening, or st raight - ening o f stre ets, a venues , road s, or highway s in a ccorda nce wi th the plan of the permanent system of highways for the District of Columbia, and for other purposes ." Approved, May 29, 1928 . May 29, 1928. [8 .2370 .]

CHAP. 864 .-An Act To amend section 24 of the Immigration Act of 1917 . [Public, No . 574 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Immigration Act of United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 24 1917 .

of the Immigration Act of 1917 is hereby amended by adding the fol- ed ol . 39, p .893, amend- lowing at the end of the section immigration inspec- " Immigrant inspectors shall be divided into five grades, as fol- tO Grades and salaries lows : Grade 1, salary $2,100 ; grade 2 ' alarY $2,300 ; grade 3 salary of, established .

2,,salary $2,500 ; grade 4, salary $2,700 ; grade 5, salary $3,000 ; and, hereafter, Pr omotions .

inspectors shall be promoted successively to grades 2 and 3 at the beginning of the next quarter following one year's satisfactory service (determined by a standard of efficiency which is to be defined by the Comm issi oner Gen era l of Imm igra tion , w ith the appr oval of the Secretary of Labor) in the next lower grade ; not to exceed 50 per centum of the force to grades 4 and 5 for meritorious service after no less than one year's service in grades 3 and 4, respectively Provisos . Provi ded f urthe r, That promotion above grade 3 shall be at the Abovegrade 3. disc retio n of the S ecre tary of La bor, upon the reco mmend ation of T ravel ing expe nses the Commissioner General of I mmigration : Pr ov id ed f ur the r That on change of station,


~ -when allowed. hen inspectors or other employees of the Immigration Service are ordered to perform duty in a foreign country, or transferred from one station to another, in a foreign country, they shall be allowed their traveling expenses in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary of labo r may deem advisable , and they may also be allowed, within the discretion and under written orders of the Secre- tary of Labor , the expens es inc urred for the trans fer of their wives house hold etiects, etc Tsehol ff famtcd and dependent minor children ; their household effects and other personal property, not exceeding in all five thousand pounds, includ- ing the expenses for packing, crating, freight, and drayage thereof :