Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/965

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2506 INDEX. Mexico-Continued. Pan. Mvdshipmen, Navy, _ Pan. appropriation for expenws appropriation for from their homes pink bollworur o cotton rn, etc. - 7, 1318 when entering Naval Academy . 122, deficiency appropriation for expenses _ _ _ _ 787, 1133 eradicating pink bollworm of cottor;46 537 resdmrssrzgrsguthorrigdmrgélbtrrid delicregig in __,,. . ,.. , a term , w 0 resign admimion to domicil of Chinese refugees on request; conditions. . :.- 207 from, attached to punitive expedi- repeal of authorization for reexaminatron tion in 1916 ,..,, - 325 of, deficient at close of term etc. 207 balances of appropriations for transporta- restoration of provision for discontinuance tion for reiudgee American citizens of, fordeficiencyat anyexammatron. 208 from, cover in .., I . . 755 reduction hereafter of allowance of apfor medals for National Guard service m . 755 pointments by Members of Gongrem. 1144 consent of, required for building bridge not apprlicable tsotgfmpomtmenu at large acrom R10 Grande from el R10, or m enli personnel . . 1144 Tex., toLasVacas, Mexico . 814 who failed to graduate from Naval Acadacrom Rio Grande from Eagle Pam, Tex. 1483 emy, but served honorably in Malands or bancos acquired by treaty from, rine Qorps, may be commissioned adjacent to exn, ceded to State therein prior to graduation of their jurisdiction, etc ... 359 _ . 499 a_ppl.rcable to lands acquired hereafter. . . 359 Migratory Birds, _ _ rmrdence of _£ve years m, required for proclamation _ modifying regulations tor exception yearly hmrt of protectrng.": 2 . _ ... 2240 admimron of aliens . 540 prescrrbing additional regulation for _ steamer pamenger tickets to, exempt from 305 M .. 2265 stam tax tgratory ame ir , etc., Meyer, Floyd lk, alan Frank H. Willnbms, appropriation for enforcing law protecting. 526, Ension . . .. 1751 1310 i Beach, Fla., Mil:e’s Trading Store, granted right of way for sewage drain acres reimbursement to . ... 1715 Government Reservation 1429 Milams, George, Miami, Mo., pension increased . ... 1753 bridge authorized across Mimouri River at. . 820 Mileage, Army, Mgoa, 869 appropriation for designated omcers, etc'}é5 1 uty on, cut or trimmed . , ground ... . 869 deficiency appropriation for officers, etc. . 196, manufactures of ... gg; M my A N 341, 781, 1167, 1170, 1555, 1556 sP.t· """"""""""""'°""° li et Huy! mem! unmanufactured ... . 869 allowance to officers, traveling without Michigan, troogs, etc . . ... 631 grant of lands in Emmet County to, for Mileage Boo , · game preserve . 828 refund of tax on unused portion of ... 284 Huron County mayjconveitract of land to Mileage, Marine Corp: State for pu lic pu . .. 1517 appropriation for oécers without 136, public lands in Keweenaw County, ceded 808,1151 to State for grblic park purposes 1487 Mileage, Nmg, Michigan Boulevard uilding (bmpcny, approlpriatron for officers, etc .. 122, 787, 1133 Mpxjmenél to, tgétrmy omce rental . . . . . 1795 a owed midshlipmgrln their licégnegl 33 tc gun `ty, ., _ on entering av c emy. , , 11 special canceling stamp of "Vis1t the Mileage Tickets, Interchangeable, Dunes, etc.," authorized for post- imue of, by rail carriers directed .. 827 office at ... 202 denomination, transfers, etc 827 Ilichigan Eastern Judiakrl District, Miley, Joseph, additional judge authorized for ... . 838 upension . . .,,. 1635 Hlling vacancy in, restricted . . .. 838 zlford Haven, Va., Mickelson, Victoria Saint C. E. C. (widow), preliminary examination, etc., to be made 1}x;cEor;1inc1·%seg. . T . . ... 1733 Mw cj southeast entrance to harbor . 1044 rc , nm . . , etmy oudemy, pension increased . . .. 1653 appropriation for support of the 95, 750, 1411 Hiwoswpes, or pay of professors . . .. 95, 750 duty on ... . .. 873 for chaplam . .. 95, 750 Middletown, Air Interjmediale Depot., Pa., for master of sword; rank, etc .. 95, 750 completirzlg acrgirisrtipn of real estate for, 29 longevity ,,,,,,_,_,,,,,_,,,___,_ 750 au oriz . 10 subsnh ce owance 750 Middletown, Pa., _ _ for pa · of cadets; rate for 1922 .. 95, 750 deficiency appropriation for transferring credit of balance due on initial clothetc., ordnance stores from evacuated ing, etc., issues since June 15, 1920. 95 depot at: ... . .. 456 credit on admimion allowed hereafter- 95 for Armyairmtermediate depot, site. 777, 1162 for extra pay of of§cers ,,,..,.,__,__,. , 95 for Army ordnance storage depot site 777 for longevity .__,,_ , ,,,____,.__,____,,,, 95 amount authorized for real estate, ordnance for constructing quartermaster, addition storage depot- . 419 to pay .. . ...,, 95, 750