Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/939

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2480 INDEX. Irrigation, Indian Reservations——Continued. Pm- Jacbon, Ohzra (willow), Pago. deficienézxr ariprppriation for ... 1164, 1169 pension . . 1633 forll oc omt, Oreg . 45 Jackson, Mrs. E. E, for Wind River, Wyo . . 198 payment to . 1716 authorization of expenditures for extend- Jackson, Gilbert J, ing etc.,_systems of. Z .. Z . . . 209 pension increased . ...,... 1735 sum for diversion dam, Brg Hom River Jackson, Miss., iralcrow, Mont., immediately avail- 4 officss of register dgpgi receiver, land office a e ...-·.. at, consoh . . .. 557 Irrigation frojemfcr f fm th Jackson, {cnn., appropriation expenses o , m e terms o urt t ..., - , 1521 f reclamation fund . . . } 584, 1206 Jac1:smasWq111gam;K, wd C ° t DSB DSU}! `0 6 .,0 GB- to, esigng aug] Zqm coun t;l;?gaI;:ed,o(i181°(1j;0d;m_Resenrva&op-;§2F;60, 1181 J b paymtelirzs ... { , 1 789 wa urmgseasono , aco , the widow' , to persons one year in arrears for pensionmj _,,,, 2 ,..,.,,,,,___,__,__ 1653 charges, etc 490 Jacob, Richard T., requirement of cultivation, etc . 490 pension increased ,.,,,_,..,.,,,__,.,.,,, 1739 In-@at·•on,_ Wfestem 4gricu{lure, _ Jacquard Deriqns, appropriation for mvestrgatmns in comix- duty on, ruled or cards with ... 911 tron of Xegilnmed lands und;6 1300 Jasquard Woven p hwy Goode, H ---.--···-. , , tton, tc . . . 900 Irvin, A., 1748 JaI•FF<';:11kmA., cth lJ§I1B\0¤ 1¤¤!6¤¤9¢1 ---- - ·-··--·------·-.--- appointment au or1zed` as lieutenant I»mM,_A16¢r¢ 1-1. 1750 (junior gms), Navy, me mime. .. 1500 mlm -··-·········-· · ······-··········· Jail, D. C'. I’g5l» 1H“""!/ M- appropriation for support of prisoners- . 699, 1358 I P°“m°n ······· ‘ *·‘······‘···········•···· 1747 Err screening doors and windows. 1356 smglass, " '`'`° _ I8g·}17;tg'°? érpmpand··•·· -·-·· ·····•·-— g,dvgncgd______________ 864 . ·. 39** . 22 drkeautho acr0mMudSloughon 65 J-,;:0;,,aB ’?v-m;i’°tc' " "° 9 I“l"¤ . . funds foir1y30—fo0t obannel for im vem nt on free l1st,dun11¥;¤n¤1f¤»¢¢¤!€d, 110t!P°u$·11Y gf, gptpelgcable when New ggrk City I . pm? °U °r, " ····• · ·. ···· . ···‘····· 927 provi suitable terminal 1040 ‘“1’“" S°ld‘”» n '“d"”“Ji‘d· . reim ursement of city for dredging, ¤¤¤<i¤1E<>f Mag eugggl f·>¤kg1 Vmgr m.,um1m10¤¤, ea . . 1041 Rome, Italy . . . . . 204 ‘r°m°°’.‘I°°°b* fee 0;"°““"}§.;‘ ‘·‘‘‘··‘·=··=‘‘ 6 ·· mi appropriation for ambasador to ... 600, 1069 “'”“¤ "' *· “ ‘?"`“"“““"‘ "‘ ‘”" negotratiornwrth, requested for agreement . 9"”· . . . hpming mc, etcq of vmeb md 1154 JdeEc1e1;cy gipggpnauon for paytowrdow of 19; mail " ` · `'‘'‘ 'T ``‘°' T °`° terms o co . . .. 81 "“’”°°“1~§.§.?:.¥‘?¥.T?‘f‘?f’.‘“.”““" . fi? 2*; 1580 Jaw. R·»··>·=·· L- <··»¤·¤»··»>. proclamation extendingic·§py1g11t benefits P°°m°° ·‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘*·•*‘‘‘··· 1655 to, for works pub ed erem, etc., IGM, _ , since August 1, 1914, and not in d\}W 011. YNIV- -; ··-----··-·-·---·-·-··-- 894 United Stages ________ _ ____________ 2216 Januar: tp Committees, House of Representa- Itasca County, Mun., ¢'¤}¤63, { 68 bndg; by, across south arm of Pokegama ¤PP¤`0P¤¤;t10¤ °1’ --·······; ·-------···· 426. 12 ke, lggghzgd ____ _ _________________ 8],3 apayzoxntment and duties- . 427, 1269 Imwaytba gmmgy, g{{,,_, p ed under Doorkeeper after close time extended an mag rommgbee ¤f Gomes --·-..-----.- 427,1269 I River near Ironwood 1:%, by 324 Japan, f b eory appropriation or am assador to- . . 600, 1069 duty on, buttons . . ... 914 grr gapmese secretary of embamy. . . . 601, 1069 manufactures of ... 919 assistant secretary . ... 601, 1069 on free list, tusks in natuml state . 928 for student interpreters at embasy. . . 601, 1070 I ezgacise tax on sales of, articles, by dealer. . 293 Eur quarteirsfors&udeL1ti¤te’xfpreters. . . 601, 107g cy oot, orgroun rent , 602 107 duty on, unmanufactured, cut into blocks. 889 for paying fo1·(ia;?ly&;.§yTm<ir.lih}a?:hi Ura- i take, at Scholield Barracks, _ J- Hawau, .. . 500 Jack Iiggllrgsécu for d _ _ f and Gpeat Bnmtgn to i confeience app _ evxsing m or or mu uc on o nava e - J km ¤14G¤n¥5>yu’;\¤E ----- - ~·-----------·-- 526, 1310 penditures, etc., duringthe next E; 141 QC 1 e r Cars-·-·. . .. ..,... ..- sword of, transferred from State Depart- convexirtion with, regardin rights in man- J réent_ti_N(atr0na§ Museum . 399 %8.l$BdtgS18Hd3? thegPa.ciiic north of 2149 aclcson, amc .w¤dow, qua r,an ap .. pension ... . .. 1687 negotiation with, ested fo agreem t Jackson, Cfuzrles BZ, limiting sizgqeltc., of wiemels, atsd pension increased . ... 1742 aircraft . ... 1154