Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/828

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INDEX. 2369 Colorado Labor Strike, 1914, PRG- Columbia .R‘i’l)¢1‘—COD1jl\u€d P doiicxeucy appro muon for paying claim; amounts authorized for' ini- an foxjloss of Eresrma, etc 52, 459 gating by gravity, et»c.,on, an trib- Colomdo Rwer, _ umm 1281

       for sp?.   dgSi_gjnat8d_______ ______ _______  

tnonmeut of waters of, and in u- bndge authorized across, at city of Hood tunes, to ,,,,,____,,, . . . . 172 River Omg ... 1257

 rgppggutguvg to   in Mgycug’ wash _________ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 148]

proceedmgs .. , . 172 _ between Oregon and Washington 358 supount for expenses authonzed .. 172 1mprovement of, below Portland, Oreg., subject to approval of State legislatures authorized . 1040 _ and Congress . . 172 modification of improvement of, below bndge authorized across, Yuma, Ariz . 1172 Portland authorized at Saint Helens, pging River, Ugh, gud Utgh, ()g·gg_____ _______ _ ______ _ _____ _ _ ____ 1563 C _ 8 -·---·-·---·--. . . 146 prel1m1nm’y` examination etc. of from Colorado I§wgr Afqevwy, Ariz-, mouth of Willamette Ri1;er te Van-

  • PP¥°P;¤¤0¤ of ¤l1PP0l’¢, etc., of tim ·cou;e1réd ..,,.,,,,,,.., im,. 1046

--·--·- · ···-----···. . 1187 9 exile OI ri gmg` near D CgZoradg]?{1;Fr[1;d·{q1;Rg3g;1;q¢·ig1g,_4rig_’ , City,Oreg ,,__,,,, ,,,,1 _,,,, ,,.,.f 1256 appropijumon for canals, etc., for irriga- Columbia Rwer Qwzmntim Station, _ tum .. , . ._ ... 566, 1187 appropdation for wharf repairs . .. . 384 deiicmncy appropriation for pumping Uclumlgw, S. C., . plqnt .. 1169 deficxency appropriation for public build- Calarado R;wqr Interstate Govgrymwnlal Camp ... . . .. . 38 vrgwsymn, _ Columb·£a1:J%’enn.,

tion for   and exam  642 terms of court at  .  · 1520

y appmpnamon for ‘es and Columbus, wi of od _ €XP6D¤69 0 -.---- . .. 769 appropria oresre ents como- Colprado Bauer, Lower, pp Ptery, Camp C}mS8 .·..-·---·· 757, 1418 ¢PP¤¤P1’1¤¤0l1 for mvestigatlng terms of court at . . 1247 0; water storage for irrigating, Cofmuu, 6 ... .-‘ . 86,1207 uty¢m,ir0n0rsteel,parts,¢rtc.. ... .. 877 Colomnt:,_ _ Colvilk Agency, Wash., appmprmtmn for developing standards, spproprmtion for support, etc., of Indians d, _ etc., of, foriqdug uses - ki,. 477, 1118 f $1:-%):);% .. { .. . 578, 1199 cmucy up pnatmu or ev oing orsu , etc., 0 imma, B1'3¤»d8·1'<g?>f . - 464 trsml funds . 578, 124]) C0l0ra·nts,_etq., deiiciency_ appropriation for support, etc., appmpmuop for experiments in utilizing Iudmus at . . 191 Amencsm mw materials for .. 522, 1305 Colville and Columbia Natimuzl Forests, Colored Ugsion Benevolent Amcamzm, D. 0., Wash., _ _

 authorized for dimolution of. . 1504 };r0clamnt§on   areas of . 2256

Co ed Womm and Children, D. C'., Nahbnal Co ville Indum Reurvatwn, Wash., Hmm for Destitute, appropriation for irrigation project on- . @60, 1181 appmpmtion for care of children in ... 703 uma extended for omestead entns m Colors, ctc., south half of diminished 507 duty on, ceramic and glam, not specially Calwell, Eugene, _ prgvidgd fm- ,,_,,,,,,___,,,,,,,..,. 873 deficiency apgrgiaristion for semces .. 437 Colors, Stcmu, and Painls, Cmrumche, etc., iam, Okla., duty on, a.ruim’ paints or colors .. 867 appropriation for agency expenses, fmm not speciall provided for .. 867 tribal funds ... 573, 1195 Colors, Stains, lgyes, ctc., for support, etc., from tribal f\1X1dB.. . @73, 1195 duty on, coal tarlyroduciz ... . 862 Cambinanmw in Restraint of Trade (aes Anu- Columbia and Colvi e National For¢s¢a,Wash., trust Laws). proclamation diminishing areas of . 2256 Combs, Columbia Hoapdalfor W'¢1men, D. C., duty on, pom, or horn and metal .. 919 appropriation for care oi indigent pa- metal, jewelry . 917 tieing ,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,.., 701, 1359 Cmnbs,_ Owen, for repairs, etc ,,,,. , ,.. . ..,...,. 701, 1359 peusmu .. 1722 sugzlus revenue to be covered imo the Commerce, _ _ muury, gm _,_,,__,,,,.,,,__,, 701 gppmprmuoq for_ expenses enforung laws deficiency appropriation for heat, light, and regulating interstate 613, 1080 power ___________ _ _ _______,_,__ _ ,_,, 32 forzexpenses, regglajmng mterstste 641, 1233 Columbsh Imtelutabnfor the Deajj D. C., deficxency ap%mp¤ation fpr expenses exeappropriation for maintenance . 593, 1216 cuting vsjs regulaizing interstate. . . 329 for repairs, etc .. 593, 1216 Commerce a·n,d_Namgatw·n, for instruction expenses for District per- treaty of, w1t1gS1am ... _ .. _ 1 928 sons ,..,.. 690, 1344 Commerce, Forengn (sec Anudumping Act, Columbia Polytedmic Imtilute for the Blind, 1921). _ _ D. C., Commerce, Fgrezgn and Dmnesnc, _ _ gppmpriatign for aid to ,,,,_,____,,,,, , 704, 1363 appmpnatmn for expenses of pmmotmg, m Coéumbia Rim-, f dm _ Europe, etc. 2 { . ... 472, lg? eiicieucy a propriation or investigating 1 cxency appropna on or pmmo . . . irrigatgon problems 011. 1540 199. 344. 947» 461. 464, IW