Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/82

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1634 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 340. 1922. and pay her a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that she is now receivinlg. _ `”’“°“B‘°"“· The name of E en Brown, widow of Reuben B. Brown, late of Company C, Ninth Regiment Kentucky Vlplpnpeer Ipfiintiryfl and pay her a pension at the rate of $35 per mont m 1eu o a s e is now ““'“'°E~*""¥"“· mglghleuiiime of Martha E: Fuqua, widow of Cyrus G. Fuqua, late of Company I, Second Regiment Missouri Volunteer Inght Artillery, and pay her a pension at the rate of $42 per month in heu of that {'°°**°~’·,0 om, she IS now receiving}: Prolmkled, Thaté m the e}rentdo§[thehd%th og unmet im S.Fu ,h l dd t no said arta .an dmhmmd G. Fuqlii; tl‘iepa6<I?li£tionalBPi%aIzisii>1i1 iigrein granted shall cease d,_§§,§{§,°¤ "f,,‘Q °“ and determine: Prmrided further, ll`hat in the event of the death of Martha E. Fuqua, the name of said George S. Fuqua shall be placed on the pension roll, subject to the provisignts and hiéiigztionqlofdthe ` l , at th rate of $20 per mon rom an er the ate me- r§rNE· N N N N N . N N, annum ‘ Th ave, wi ow o aac . ave, a e o m- "` yik, Thiariieentli Réegiment Tennessee Volrmteer Cavalry, and pay hldila pension at the rate of $30 per month. °*”'*“¤° S°““°'· The name of Christine Schlusser, widow of Benjamin . Sohlusser, late of Com an H, One hundred and eighty-fourth Regiment Pennsylvania V0l)llI1t¥§B1‘ Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 . th. ‘ Ira-$ii;°1il` paxoiiame of Fanny E. Cade, widow of William A. Cade, late of Company B, Nineteenlth Regixqent Illinois Vplluntier I1}fqp1try,hand ension at the rate 0 $40 per mon in `eu 0 at s e is Pmm ilgirv rgleegvping, througlh duly appointed guardian. Mary J."1‘h¤mps¤¤. The name of Mary . Thompson, widow of John R. Thompson, late of Com any H, One hundred and forty-third Regiment Illinois Volzmteer lhfant , and a her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. ?°im`i·yii°E?vhi§ The name_oxfyMax;y Waters, widow of Thomas Waters, ate major, erapensiona eraeo per on n eu seisn £`°“"‘h R"’g’“°?Z¤N °“‘2°S°‘}°$£’1““°$§' ii{’?“'fE" E‘{‘£EFN‘?"h“‘*d "33N' Mw A· Cm'- mciglhe name of M A. Crow, widow of Washington Crow, late of Company C, Firsatrliegiment Alabama Volunteer Vidette Cavah·y, and pay her a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that she n w r ceivmg. iziaigymiiine oem. is The nixme of N ancE_Miller Odom, former widow of Thomas Miler, latg of Cplmpany M, igthtalg Reg1m•;_n;3'g`ennessee golunteer Cavalry, ·=·¤·-··¤··=·y- ““»l~i%ZN°’§NNN‘?31N“N‘€°3i‘€’i§‘NN‘?;NN &.§{.° ° · "°' ‘“°“° ‘ NN, . . y, widow of James M. Celle , late P t p lm gnassigned, Seconld Regimgnt Vermont Vlqlunteer Infantry, arid pay . r a nsion at the rate 0 $30 er mont . S°°°h I" u°D“m' BThepiiame of Sarah L. McDavItt, widow of Philli McDavitt, late of CuompanydB, Fplurth Regiment lgassachipetts Volunteeli; Heavy Arf ery, an a er a pension at the rate o $30 r mont . G°m°°°B'Bw°i°' The name oi) Gertrude B. Swain, widow of Johnplg. Swain, late of Cogipanyh K, Fourteenth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, an ay er a pension at the rate o $30 p rm th. M°rg"°m°’u°gh“°` Thi; name of Margaret Callaghan, widgw ¢§nMichael Callaghan, late of Company K, orty-third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Pmm imaged, anglpay her a pqpggq atJthi;ate cg $1301 per monghé d f A¤dr¤Wf-1»·>¤¤¤rd· e name 0 w . nar , 1 an pen ent son o Albert R. Leonard, late of Con? any Afgnegshundrecf and eighteenth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Inlpantry, and pay him a pension at the p,,,,_,,,,,_ rate of $20 per month in lieu of that he is now receivmg. ¤¤=¤¤¤¢ I- Em- The name of Margaret J. Ewers, widow of Ewem, late of Company E, One hundred and seventy-fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer nfantry, and pay her a pension at the rate 0 $30 per month.