Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/39

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. sms. II. cus. 193, 195, 206. 1922. 1591 and in compliance with the rules of said court sitting as a court of admiralty: rovided, That the said court shall have jurisdiction to ramps. hear and determine the whole controversy and to enter a gudgment J“m‘d‘°u°” °f°°“"‘ or decree for the amount of the legal damages sustained y reason of said collision, if any shall be foimd to be due, either for or against the United States, upon the same principle and measure of lia ility with costs as in like cases in admiralt between private parties, wit _ the same rights of appeal: Provided, 'llrat such notice of the suit shall Gm °° ‘m°m°y be given to the Attorney General of the United States as ma be provided by order of the said court, and it shall be the duty of tile Attorney General to cause the United States attorne in such district to appear and defend for the United States: Promkgd further, That said ,,§{'""‘°°°°"‘°"t °' suit shall be brought and commenced within four months of the date of the passage of this Act. Approved, May 15, 1922. CHAP. 195.-An Act Authorizin the Secre of the Interiorto sell certainlands my ”· lm 0n the Wind River Reservation, Wyiming. tary Be it enacted b the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives of the United _ States of Americqx in Congress assembled, Tght the Secretary of the v,¥,Y$?w1gK°” Rm" Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized, in his discretion, to sell dc;',{g;BQ;dg*‘$n“ieg¤» °° to the Arapahoe Trading Company, Yellowstone Sheep Comgvany, ` and Patrick A. McGovern, bishop of the Catholic Church for yominlg, for an adeqluate consideration, not to exceed forty acres of lan on which is ocated valuable improvements at the Arapahoe subagency, on the Wind River Reservation, Wyoming, e southeast quarter of the northwest qgvarter section twenty- , township one south, range three east, ind iRiver meridian, and to convey the same by patents in fee to the interests herein named, ‘ ‘ the said patents to include the lands on which the improvements PMN are located: Provided, That the cost of any special S111"V6y required rsymeiamumy. for issuing the patents shall be paid by the purchaser. Approved, May 20, 1922. CHAP. 206.-An Act For the relief of John Burke, former Treasurer of the United gxliiiitlsisgzgzj States, for lost bonds without the fault or negligence on the part of said former Treasurer. 7bT]"` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R;£;esentat2Ives of the United B States of America in Congress assembled, t the Secrets? of the i>°u}hii1ra:k°Bw., ra Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to pai the sum o $5,000, f;§%§b,§;;*;*;§ {0*;,c*; or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purchase, at not registered piwkage more than par and accrued interest, of second Liberty loan converted $’:i°if¤iiig’Ni°iii¤¤ill 4} per centum bonds to the face amount of $5,000, and for the pay- B¤j=£»m”¤_;;°*°·I*l- ment of an amonmt of interest egquivalent to the interest of $5,000, ””’p" " face amount of such bonds from ovember 15, 1918, to the interest payment date next preceding:} the delivery of such bonds, for the gurpose of the relief of John urke, former Treasurer of the United tates, on account of the loss of second Liberty loan converted 4} per centum coupon bonds numbered one million one hundred and orty-one thousand three hundred and twenty, one million one hundre and forty-one thousand three hundre and twenty-one, one million one hundred and forty-one thousand three hundred and twenty-two, one million one hundred and forty-one thousand three hundred and twenty-three, and one million one hundred and forty- one thousand three hundred and twenty-four, in the denomination of $1,000 each, contained in a sealed registered package forwarded to the Treasury Department by the Peop es National Bank, of Hills-