Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/375

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1932 TREATY——SIAM. Dmommnrc 16, 1920. the same honors, advantages, rivileges and exemptions as are now, or may hereafter be conceded) to the vessels of war of any other nation. ARTICLE XII .uI;§‘:°°€?§§,.‘Ll,}°i?§Q The citizens or subjects of each of the High Contracting Parties °°PY"lgh*·’·°*°· shall enjoy in the territories and possessions of the other, upon fulfilment of the formalities prescribed by law, the same protection as native citizens or subjects, or the citizens or subjects of the nation most favored in these respects, in regard to patents, trade-marks, trade—names, designs and copyrights. ARTICLE XIII a¤ii°§°iiiiiiii¤nr$§apri°nt°` Each of the High Contractin Parties may appoint Consuls General, Consuls, Vice Consuls and other Consular officers or Agents to reside in the towns and ports of the territories and possessions of the other where similar officers of other Powers are permitted to reside. E‘°“°°’°”‘ Such Consular Officers and Agents, however, shall not enter upon their functions until they shall have been approved and admitted by the Government to which they are sent. fa-1;§’dY°”’ °°°" °°”' They shall be entitled to exercise all the powers and enjoy all the honors, privileges, exemptions and immunities of every kind which are, or may be, accorded to Consular Officers of the most favored nation. ARTICLE XIV Wig? °f d°°°°°°d In case of the death of any subject of Siam in the United States or of any citizen of the United States in Siam without having in the country of his decease any known heirs or testamentary executors by him appointed, the competent local authorities shall at once inform the nearest Consular Officer of the nation to which the deceased belonged, in order that the necessary information may be Tm immediately forwarded to parties interested. ¤a¤n,e»l$i;y¤¤¤Q’¤i°3Q°»ii In the event of any citizens or subjects of either of the High ""“· Contracting Parties dying without will or testament, in the territory of the other Contracting Party, the Consul General, Consul, Vice Consul, or other Consular Officer or Agent, of the nation to which the deceased belonged, or in his absence, the representative of such Consul General, Consul, Vice Consul. or other Consular Officer or Agent, shall, so far as the laws of each country will permit and pending the appointment of an administrator and until letters of administration have been granted, take charge of the personal property left by the deceased for the benefit of his lawful heirs and creditors. ARTICLE XV ,,¤E§'f,"f“° hwg °°° It is understood by the High Contracting Parties that the stipulations contained in this Treaty do not in any way affect, supersede, or modify any of the laws. ordinances and regulations with regard to trade, naturalization, immigration, police and public security which are in force or which may be enacted in either of the two countries. ARTICLE XVI ,,,§z°,,"§’°,§§d‘f°“"f"°°°" The present Treaty shall, from the date of the exchange of rati- 693 sg? '¥`¤‘¤¤*=¤· PP- iications thereof, be substituted in place of the Convention of Amity ' and Commerce concluded at Bangkok on the 20th day of March, 1833, of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce concluded at Bang-