Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/31

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cas. 133, 143, 144. 1922. 1583 CHAP. 138.—Joint Resolution Authori theSecre of the Interiortodonate A Fil 15» 1922- and grant certain buildings in Alaska to 01Il8`!1’S tllliine Misionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. [ "· °s·· °· ·’ Resolved by the Senate and House olf Re esentatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, 'llhat the Secretary of the $`,9,§‘m§g};‘§;,§,§,§f{,§g_ Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to donate and sjogx Socictymggsd ant to the Woman’s Home Missionaigy Society of the Methodist dZn,,d,§§Se,$§¤0§_ °` gpiscopal Church not exceeding three 0 the frame buildings on the abandoned Fort Davis Milita Reservation in or near Nome, Alaska, the material so donatdd to be used for the erection of a hos ital by said societ for the use of white and native residents of the Nome district, Alyaska. Approved, April 15, 1922. CHAP. 143.-An Act For the relief of Miles Swift. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United [Pmm' NMA`] States of America in Congress assembled, 'Igrat the naval record of 11giix18wigbrd M Miles Swift, who served in the United States Navy from November mage. r ` 12, 1861, until August 15, 1864, be corrected, and that in the administration of the ension laws he shall hereafter be held and considered to have been Ihonorabl disch ed from the naval service of the United States: Provided? That xildiack pension, ay, bounty, or other {,g*;¤•& aw emolument shall accrue or become due or paysihle by virtue of the I"' ' passage of this Act. Approved, April 25, 1922. GRA?. 144.-An Act To authorize the occupation and use of certain lands in ‘i&n1;55§4i%f Alaska by Ketchikan Post Numbered Three, American Legion, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United Ketpbikau Post. States of America in Congress assembled, Tgt the Secretary of the Axb1°rih°€e`&L¤§•§i§in¤as, Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized to permit Ketchikan Post *° K°‘°"“"“‘·““*'· Numbered Three, American Legion, to erect a building upon and use and occupy, for post gprposes, so much of that certain tract of land adjacent to Tongass arrows, Alaska, described as follows: Beginning at corner numbered one, within the corporate limits of the town or city of Ketchikan, Alaska, from which a stone marking the intersection of Mission and Stedman Streets bears north sixteen degrees sixteen minutes east twenty-two feet distant, and United States locating monument numbered four bears south thirty-seven degrees fifteen minutes east twelve hundred and eight —nine and twenty- seven one-hundredths feet distant; thence soutg forty-nine de ees seven minutes east one hundred feet along the southwest sid; of Stedman Street to corner numbered two; thence south eighty-one degrees thirty-nine minutes west one hundred and sixtyéve and thirty one·hundredths feet to corner numbered three; thence north eight de es twenty-one minutes west seventy-five and seventy-four one-hundiigdths feet to corner numbered four, on the south side of Stedman Street; thence north eight-y—one degrees thirt -nine minutes east one hundred feet along the southerly side of Stechnan Street to corner numbered one, the place of beginning; conta` ten thousand _ and forty-six and ninety one-hundredths square feet: lgrovided, That the permit hereby authorized may not be assigned, shall be subject to such terms and conditions as to occupancy and use as may be grescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, and shall be revocable y the Secretary of the Interior, after due notice to the permittee,