Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/253

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CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS on oorrennss. 1809 more autonomous government for these islands," approved August 29, 1916; and to amend an Act entitled "An Act to establish a standard of value and to provide for a coinage system in the Philippine Isla.nds," approved March 2, 1903. Passed, July 18, 1921. V AGRICULTURAL INQUIRY. [H. Con. Res., N 0. 26.] Resolved by the House of Representatives (the_ Senate concurring), _ _ _ That the time for the completion of the mvestigation by the Joint ¢}fg§“1§;‘{Qln_§‘,§§“§§; Commission of Agricultural) Inquiry created by Senate Concurrent $5%;; gg J¤i¤¢ ¤¤m· Resolution Number Four, of the present session, and the filing of the .4»a,p.`1sov. report to Congress therein directed to be made, be, and the same is Pm, pp. 1812, 1815. hereby, exten ed to a date not later than the first Monday m January, 1922. Passed, August 4, 1921. TARIFF BILL. [S. Con. Res., No. 7.] Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That the bill (H. R. 7456) to provide revenue, to regulate commerce }§$"{{,2{,u,3°0pi,0, with foregi coimtries, to encourage industries of the United _States, *$°é¤•{g¤·· °¤Sd¤*¤l

 for o er purposes, as passedlg the_House of REGSQHLSUVBS, be document.

printed as a te document wi an mdex, and t six thousand ""“·P· ”°“· additional copies be printed, of which two thousand shall be for the Senate Document Room; two thousand for the House Document D*S°*“*¤**·¤¤· Room; one thousand for the Committee on Finance of the Senate, gid one thousand for the Committee on Ways and Means of the ouse. Passed, August 17, 1921. RECESS. IS tovevsg 24. Ilmé I . D. E., 0. · Resolved bg the Senate (the House of Re esentatives concurring), That when the two Houses adjourn on Weeiiiesday, the 24th da of §f,°,§`§,{,{§§’}‘(,‘,§',°’,{· A ~t 1921 th stand d`ourned until tw l ’ 1 k ¢ mh ¤¤¢¤ Seuu¤·us, , ey a] eve ococ mem an{¤m2mm1 P- on lilednesday, the 21st day of September, 1921. _ °m ’ ' Passed, August 24, 1921. REVENUE BILL, 1921. September28,1921.

Resolved by the Senate (the Home of Representatives concurring), That the bill (H. R. 8245) to reduce and equalize taxation, to amend §:,;*;g¤g,b“j;,{,f*1{n and simplify the revenue Act of 1918, and for other purposes, as dex.¤mmdpn¤¤eu.` reported to the United States Senate on September 26, 1921, be printed as a Senate document with an index, and that 19,000 addi- m°““>¤'=i°¤· tional copies be printed of which 7, 000 shall be for the Senate document room, 10,000 for the House document room, 1,000 for the Committee on Finance of the Senate, and 1,000 for the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives. Passed, September 28, 1921.