Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/246

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1800 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Crrs. 331. 1923. him, which he expended during the period from May, 1908, to . March 1909. lgligwderv A· BM- Fifth. Bri adier General Theodore A. Bingham, Corps of Engi- ' neers (now grigadier general, retired), credit in the sum of $214, now disallowed against him, COVBFIDE expenses for board and lodging paid b him in excess of $1 per ay to c1v1l1an employees of the Engineer `l’)epartment at Tobyhanna, Pennsylyania, engaged on work done under urgent military necess1ty wh1ch required immediate action to secure and place in the field the necessary forces to survey a. certain territory and prepare maps and plans of same in order to rovide sites for encamping and training troops. P¤u1S.B¤n<l. Sixth. giajor (now Lieutenant Colonel) Paul S. Bond, Corps of Engineers, credit in the sum of $287.04, now disallowed against him, which he expended in 1915. Mbm J·B¤w¤¤Y· Seventh. Major Albert J. Bowley, Field Artillery (now brigadier general), credit in the sum of $301.27, now disallowed against him, which he expended during the period from July 1, 1912, to June 30, 1914, while serving as military attaché at Peking, China. L°“'°°°°C'Br°w°' Eighth. Captain Laurence C. Brown, Artille Corps (now colonel, Coast Artillery Corps), credit in the sum ofl$?72, now disallowed against him, which he expended in 1910. _ _ Pr¤¤¢<>¤Br<>w¤· Ninth. Captain Preston Brown, Eighth Infantry (now brigadaer general), credit in the sum of $95.80, now disallowed against him, which he expended for supplies furnished a students’ military camp _ at Asheville, North Carolina, July, 1914. , mfu’fd°“°k W· °°“" Tenth. Captain Frederick W. Coleman, Quartermaster Corps (now colonel, Finance Department), credit in the sum of $12.90, now disallowed against him, which he expended in 1916. T'“°'·"“ G· H‘*“s“" Twelfth. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas G. Hanson, Quartermastcr Corps (now colonel, retired), credit in the sum of $181.26, now Cm, Ken disallowed against him, which he expended in 1915. _ °S °r° Thirteenth. Major (now Colonel) Charles Keller, Corps of Englneers, creélit in the sum of $6.75, now disallowed against him, which he expen ed in 1912. I““°°W·L“‘°“· Fourteenth. Lieutenant Colonel Isaac W. Littell, Quartermastef Corps (now brigadier general, retired), credit in the sum of $98.65, now disallowed against him, which he expended in 1909. T·B°““°"”°"· Fifteenth. Lieutenant Colonel T. Bentle Mott, Field Artillery (now colonel, retired), credit in the sum of, $55.33, now disallowed against him, which he expended in 1911 while serving as military attaché, American Embassy, Paris. T°’°”°° E-M‘”’P’“Y· Sixteenth. Captain Terence E. Murphy, Coast Artillery CorpS (now lieutenant colonel, retired), credit in the sum of $15.98, now disallowed against him, which he expended in 1915. www D· NNW- Seventeenth. Major Willard D. Newbill, Quartermaster Corps (now colonel, Field Artillery), credit in the sum of $40.19, now disallowed against him, which he expended in 1915. Hm'? L· N°‘*b°“· Eighteenth. Major (now Colonel) Hen L. Newbold, Field Arti ery, credit in the sum of $2,476.98, now [disallowed against him, $319.37 of which he expended in 1911, and the remaining $2,157.61 in Y 1917, while serving as military attaché at Constantinople, Turkey. J“m°s E‘ l"""”°yl°· Nineteenth. Major James E. Normoyle, Quartermaster CorpS (now deceased), credit in the sum of $5, now disallowed agai¤St him, which he expended in 1913. H“"YL·P°““S· Twentieth. Major Harry L. Pettus, Quartermaster Corps (HOW deceased), credit in the sum of $1,545, now disallowed against him, which he expended for services and materials in cutf and setting one granite memorial tablet in the Army War C0lleg1d?gVVashington, District of Columbia, which work was authorized by the Secretary of War under date of June 20, 1911.