Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/238

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1792 SIXTYSEVENTH CONGRESS, Sess. IV. CHS. 242, 243, 306,307. 1923. office and Hscal agent,_ Forest Service, Dselpartment of Agriculture, the sum of $346.71, being the amount d1 lowed by the accounting officers of the Treasury in his account covering expenses incurred in {qhe eregieip loéta building at the Bessey Nursery of the Nebraska ation 0 . Approved, March 3, 1923. 1irf£.i’di% CHAP. 243.-—A.u Act For the relief of the owners of the American schooner Mount


umu, HOW, Bje it enacted by the and Home of Regreeentatives of the sesame. United btatea of America an Congress aeaemb d, That the claim m,Q}§‘¤c,,•,§,;,':gg,"g¢; of the owners of the American schooner Mount Hope against the nswmaisumeaun. United States for damages and loss allegefd to have been caused lp? the collision of said vessel with the nited States steamship avesink, of Pollocks Rip Lightship, on November 21, 1916, may be ipled for bytthézoslilitd 0£Wl¥l‘S_€f the] émericsgn scililooréer Mourig Hope m e o the United States or e astern istrict — of New Yorlg, sitting as a court of admiralty and acting under the ¥¤¤•¤i¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤•¤r¢- govesnilnge suc courlt; and sag] court shgll ha;ve ]pri;diction earan e rmmesuc suittot eextento yo suc amages ' sugered itheié than célairals for demuriageliodsaid vesselgnd to epter a gu en or ecree or e amoimt o suc amages an costs,i any as sildll be found to be due against the United States in favor of thd pwpers of Atiperggzgxgschooner Mo?t Hope or against sgid owners in avoro e m taesu t s ° asures of liability as in like cases adrihliralgy ablel;ivI;§(ii1I?i\$;'t;npaIr!ti3es_ and mo Mmm with the same rights of appeal: Provided, That such notice of the suit umm. Y shall beehgiven to the Attorney General of the United States as may be grtzgid lgeorgg of the sang C({}ll‘t, ang it shall be the duty of ghe _ rney ne cause the nited tates attorney in suc is- _§,_°"“"°’*°°’“°¤* °' tnct to appear and defend for the United States: Provided further, lgiat sui; giall be brouglgsl ang commenced within four months 0 e aeo epassageo is ct. Approved, March 3, 1923. -

 CHAP. 306.-An Act For the relief of Mrs. Vincenza Diminico.

_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ,,,§{,{’· V“‘°°“‘“ D"’“' United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary

»f·¤1·¤¢- of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay, out of any

@061625 tgnhghe '{Treasury got otherwiseEapprop1iated, the sum of _ rs. incenza iminico of ast B ston Massachusetts, foi· inlluries from the adcidental disghar in of a machine gun, e property 0 the War Department, being cgemonstrated, for recruiting puiposes, by a detachment of United States troops at Ea;; Massgcgiupggtg, on July 23, 1919. , arc , . m?’5lg' l CHAP. 307 .-—An Act Authorizing the payment of an amonmt equal to six mo¤tb¤’ [Ham- N°· 2*2-I pay to Josephine H. Barin. ,, . Be it enacted b the Senate and House o Repree tati the iggnt ¤%.2,’$'“§,'x U nited States of A/nwrica in Congress aaaemgled, Thateythe ;:;1?1£.St€l' ‘g',,“",,_,,,§¥£'·Y *°· General of the Navy shall cause to be paid to Josephine H. Barin, mother of Lieutenant Louis T. Barin, late of the United States