Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/23

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SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II- CHS. 12, 35, 36. 1921, 1922. 1575 or ran es formerly established or intended for use upon such tracts: _ Providid, That such conveyance shall be made without exipense §;’p";,",g 0, me W to either party, except that the said Augustus S. Peabody sha pay p¢rs.<=¢¤- a consideration of $2 and such expenses as are incident to the prepa~ ration and recordin of the necessary title papers for the purpose of obtaining title to tie said tracts and sites upon which eacons or shore ranges were established. Approved, December 20, 1921. CKAP._35.—An Act To confirm private land claim of the widow and heirs of ·Y¤Gg`¤g %l8i9%)9?2· Joseph Etier. Be it enacted by the Senate and H ouse of Representatives of the United I h Eu States of America in Congress assembled, That the dprivate land claim pi°§r$l»iten¤°iikna;¤a, of the widow and heirs of Joseph Etier, numbere two hundred and §‘},{‘,“{{,'};§ *° ""’°" forty-three, class five, in the report dated December 30, 1815, of the register and receiver at Opelousas, Louisiana, acting as commissioners on land claims in the western district of the State of Louisiana, which has been surveyed and segggated as section forty, township thirteen north, range four east, uisiana meridian, containing six hundred and sixty-eight and seventy-seven one-hundredths acres, shall be, and the same is hereby, confirmed, and the Secretaréy of the Interior shall cause patent to issue for said land to the wi ow and heirs of Joseph Etier, their heirs, assigns, or legal representatives: _ Provided, That this Act, and the patent which may be issued in §{{g'”,,,;,,,0,,,,,,,,_,, pursuance of the same, shall only cgplerate as a relinquishment on the S¢•¢¤¤ r¤¤¤q¤ish¤¤- part of the United States, and sh in no way prejudice any valid adverse right, if such exist, to the said land; the intent being that title shall inure to the true owners of the land under the laws of Louisiana, including the laws of prescription, in the absence of any interest or estate of the United States. Approved, January 28, 1922. CHAP. $6.-—An Act Granting to certain claimants the preferential right to pur- ’”§*¤§Y giém chase certain alleged public lands in the State of Arkansas, and for other purposes. $T-- Whereas certain lands in Poinsett Count and i Count , in P¤*¤=¤•* ·¤·i ¤¢¤·*=- the State of Arkansas, namely, those pyortions of seciibns one, {wo, °iw:m°°niii.‘°°' Am seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, eighteen, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, thirty-three, thirty-four, thi.rty·6ve, thirty-six, township ten north, range seven east, in Poinsett County, and sections twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, townshi51 ten north, range eight east, in Mississippi Count , Arkansas own in the official surveys as Tgronza River, Dea! Timber Lake, and lake on the official plats of these townships, have been, by Executive order, temporarily withdrawn from settlement, location, sale, or entry in order to adjust claims of patentees against the United States and among themselves arising from alleged incomplete or erroneous surveys· and Whereas theland office, upon investigation, has found that the greater part of these lands in question have been put in cultivation down to the water’s edge by parties who thou ht they had title to them and have been paying taxes on many of 51886 lands, and the land office is now making a resurvey, and will replat these areas at the request of said adjacent landowners: Therefore