Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/21

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PRIVATE LAWS OF THE SIXTYSEVENTH CONGRESS or mn UNITED STATES. Passed at the second session, which was begun and held in the city of Washington, in the District 3; Columbia, on Monday, the jifth day of December, 1921, and was adjourned without y on Friday, the twenty-second day of September, 1922. WARREN G. Hannmc, President; CALVIN COOLIDGE, Vice President; ALBERT _B. Cummins, President of the Senate gre tempore; SELDEN P. SPENCER, Actmg President of the Senate pro tempore, ecember 22, 1921; GEoRcE H. Mosms, Acting President of the Senate pro tempore, May 19, 1922; WESLEY L. JONES, Actmg President of the Senate pro tempore, Jxme 19 and 30, 1922; Fnanamcx H. GILLETT, Speaker of the House 0 Representatives; JOSEPH WALSH, Speaker of the House 0 Representatives dpro tempore, January 12 and 13, March 1, 2, 9 to 11, 15 to 17, Ma 10, 12, 13, an 20, June 8, 9, 12, and 13, 1922; HoRAcE M. TOWNEB, Speaker of Se House of Representatives pro tempore, September 6 and 7, 1922. (IEA?. 4.»-—An Act Valida` hommtead en of Mike Cam bell for certain D¤°¤¤l*¤'w Wmpublic ima in Aims mg by P Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives cj the United States of America in Congress asse , That the entry hereinafter dy described be, and the same is hereby, validated and the Secretary of vsuasm. the Interior is authorized to issue patent thereon upon the submission VOL 37 m of satisfactory Hroof of compliance with the provisions of the Act of 'p' June 6, 1912 ( y—sevent Statutes, page 123): D I I Homestead entry, Juneau, Alaska, numbered naught thirty-nine hundred and eighty-six, made by Mike Campbell on July 14, 1919, for the west half of the northwest quarter, the northeast uarter of the northwest quarter, and the northwest quarter of the northeast guarter, section thirty-six township thirteen north, range four west, eward meridian, and in lieu of that tract, the Territog of Alaska shall have the right to select equal area of public land of e character subject to selection under its school land grant. Approved, December 15, 1921. CHAP. 5.-—An Act For the relief of John Cestnik, junior. Be a mais by the smc and House szrzglegraemam eras Umm “"‘““’· ¥‘°_‘°·‘ States of America in Congress assemble , at the Northern Pacific {}’ ,;,{';,. of, Railway Company, upon its with the Secretarylof the Interior °°¤¤¤¤¤¢R FI I by a proper relinquishment disclaimmgl in favor of the nited States all ummm raise Bailt1t e and interest in or to the sout half of the southwest quarter, §§§i‘E,',§‘${§§',;,'§‘,_“°h°“ section eleven, township eight south, range twenty east, in the Bozeman, Montana, land district, imder its mineral indemnity selection, list numbered one hundred forty-six, embracing said tract, shall be entitled to select and receive a patent for other vacant unreserved nonmineral public lands of an eqlgial area in that State; and the Secretary of_ the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to permit, after the iihng of such relinquishment by said railway compantg, the homestead entri of John Cestnik, junior, to remain intact as ough said entry had een properly allowed, the same to remain subject to compliance with the laws governing entries of like character. Approved, December 15, 1921. 1573