Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/208

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1760 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 435. 1922. E°€°’K·Ch'*"”°¤· Desert-land entry, Evanston, WEomin§ numbered naught six thousand and ninety-eiight, made by nger . Chrisman on March 22, . 1919, for lots four an five of section twenty-nine, lot one and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section thirty-two, and lots two, three, and four and the south half of the northeast xitularter and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section t ty-three, township twenty-six north, range one hundred and thirteen west, sixth principal meridian. “°"“°°E·“'m"”’· Homestead entry, Evanston, Wyoming, numbered naught four thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, made by Maurice E. Williams on June 12, 1915, for east half of the east half of the west half of the northeast quarter, east half of the east half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, east half of the southwest quarter of the southeast 3}1arter, west half of the east half of the northeast quarter, west h of the east half of the east half of the northeast quarter, west half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, west half of the east half of the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter, and the west half of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter section twenty-eight, township forty-two north, ra§e one hundred and thirteen west, sixth principal meridian. °“”°°R·“”'*“’· omestead entries, Douglas, Wyoming, numbered naught twenty- two thousand and sixty-four, and naught twenty-two thousand and sixty-tive, made by Clarence R. Smith, for section twelve, township thirty-five north, rang-ehsevent -five west, sixth principal meridian. rnsodomaonpeey. Homestead entry, 'ance, Nebraska, numbered naught eighteen thousand three hundred and eleven, made by Theodore A. Cralplsey on January 21, 1918, for lots one, two, three, and four, section thee townglhip twenty-nine north, range forty-two west, sixth principal men an. "”‘“H‘P"k°" Desert-land entg, Sterling, Colorado, numbered nau§ht ten thousand seven hundr and twenty-eight, made bfy James . Parker, on Februa.ry 2, 1910, for the southwest quarter o the southeast quarter of sectipln twege, township eleven north, range forty-six west, sixth princip mem an. Im ·*·H°""" Preen§tion declaratory statement, Durango, Colorado, numbered naught ty-two thousand and sixty-nine, filed by John A. Hawk, on July 3, _1915, for the northeast quarter of section eleven, townshis thirtgnme north, range eighteen west, New Mexico princip men an. I’“°’ A- ““°°*““°· Small holdingl claim Las Cruces, New Mexico, numbered Eve thousand one undred and twenty-two, serial naught nineteen thousand nine hundred and ninety-two of Paul A. Marcellino, embracing tract one in sections fifteen and sixteen, township three south, range one west, New Mexico principal meridian, containing five and two one-hundredths acres. H- P- K°¤¤°“· Forest lieu selection, Missoula, Montana numbered naught eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, filed by H. P. {Kennett, attorney in fact, embracing lot nine, section fourteen, township eight north, range twenty-one west, Montana principal meridian, containing seventeen H d etc and six one-hundredths acres. m.,§’%§§’§,,;,, .,,.31 °°` Sec. 2. 'Ilhat the entries hereinafter named be, and the same are hereby, validated, and the Secretary of the Interior authorized to issue patents thereon upon submission of satisfactory proof of compliance with the law under which such entries were allowed: I“*’°“" S· F°“*s‘· Desert-land entry, Phoenix, Arizona, numbered naught thirty-one thousand four hundred and eleven, made by Isabelle S. Forest on January 10, 1920, for the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, secuon twenty-three, township fourteen north, range four east, Gila Pg, · mmm and Salt lhver meridian: Prmnkled, That the palyment of $1.25 pp! acrereqmredunderthepmvisions of thedesertrandlawshall bem