Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1135

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2676 INDEX. Wzwerky, Mo., Page. Weayhzs and Measures, International Bureau 1’¤s¤· bridge authorized across Missouri River at. 820 of, f b _ 605 1073 W , s. ropriation or conm ution to. . , gw On, Of, not 7?" {{f€d8‘lLT88, Comp1‘0V1 _ 0I' ... , , , r . on free list, smmal, vegetable, or mineral, 8PPmPmU°¤ f°1' °xP°¤B€¤• American crude _________ ____ ____ ____________ 932 . member ,,,.,.. 476,1.117 disks er soft, for sound records res export. 932 Wewhw, SM¢¤·1;u~·¢, agrd Markets, D- Cv Wearing ··1r1~·~’· °t°" · a. ro rizlgggl for su tglintendent inspecduty 011:1 eeflitnn, em., not specially pro- 901 pp pmm etc P ’ 673 1330 V1 or ...,.. . ’ . ‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘'‘' '’‘‘'‘' ’

  • 1¤· etc —-——:—·------:~··-------—-——-- 903 ¥3i§°$’§§,‘Z.2“,§°.,?P§§$;?°eee."‘iiZZi1Z $$3* isggg

fgr, not BE;-`<;1aHy provided for .. 916 for motor mich ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ 678* 1330 2',,',§,,§;,°‘ " °' °'°°"°°"’ ············· x d gr municipal ,1333 · `°'‘'` ‘` ¥'¥ ''’ 1" e ciencya pmpriation ormotorv c es- °” *'°§,‘;i*..1,?£s..,,"°1°°,.;*.‘3,.“5ii‘.“.‘“g ‘f FT? 92.2 1·»~··1 ;;_g,¤g“»;,;g,,~;;;;,e;·,1g_1=;9q11¤?9g_193{1q ,,,, ”'$;‘,‘;£,;,l{1°1,‘,{,·}.”.;;..,s ________________________ 1743 Hm, , 4, we·»¢,11»»M<d¤eme>, lm W§’,,?"“‘°,,,,”,’”,,,,°'°“”°‘*M ,,,,,,,-,,·,, ···················· · 7

1;;,,..e., ·····‘‘ a;‘;1,,, e , ,·  1>s=·=¤1·>-= -:---- , ---—--— - --,~ -, ---—-·--—·---—-- 1628

appmpriatioiffor salaries and expenses- 508, 1293 wmalgu ti F?-*3.1 I ’ f 2257 eooperationwithotherb11reaus,etc. 509,1294 Wgrzc A 6 $1 °x.°“ mg 6 66° ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ for expenses Oléli Washington .. w, 1294 ("“°d°“)’ 1701 or printing ce expenses .. , 1294 I ‘ ‘. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘ '°'T,,,*§,‘;,“°“P'*“““11 by Emu; egg, ,2,, ”'3;_,E;s’Z?,1'%Z"é',‘§"e‘f,1‘f12',”Z£’.“3Zs.£’;°e; .. me for expensee édssideef i2irssi1isg}A{1ZZ 510; 1294 ”’° ("’*d°*¤,>· ,684 for observations, frost warnings, etc- 510,1294 W5??;°°J1:· W ‘·‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘`‘ ‘ ‘‘'‘‘ for traveling expenses ... 510, 1294 W . ’ " *1 1746 for expenses, serological stations . 510, 1295 i ···‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ deficiency appropriation for general ex- eméitvan " ts 1801 penses .. 54,344,347.461,783,1164 Wju, I,,,‘§,,“f,,,°{,‘j,,) ······················· · Weadnerjord, Ruth C. (daughter), Wpe,;s;,m_ _ _______ ’ _______________________ 1605 ¤¤¤¤¤~- ~·--··----- e ·-----~-·-—----—-— 1673 as, 11 E. widow , Wp“6h”Zh°“6* M"? O- ('”‘d°“’)• Wgiensiogiy. . 1638 Wpenmou mCr6&Bed_ . . . . 1631 dk, yclgm ]_ ~ ww, Mary J- (www), sem ,,_, , ,.,.,,. 16•4 P°“‘“°“ · · ‘‘‘‘‘ 3 ·······•················ 1666 Sm (wm), Webb, Ellen J (undow), on . , ,,,,,_,,.. 1662 Wpenmon . . . : 1639 Welsh, Elizabeth (widow), ebb, [ala: S. (wndow), pension' ... . .. 1729 “)>ension increased ... . 1697 elton, John, alias John Weldon, ebb, E. (wulow), 1627 Wpgnsnon . ... 1741 pension increased .. . ... badnq gs, ebb, fhoebe Ann (widow), 6 ension . ... 1724 pension ... . .. 1646 Wpmatchec Natwnal l7'omt,_Waah,, ”'°"°* S“”""’· """"""}*""‘i “‘2£‘,°§‘?,°‘Ll'5Z‘& §’§""‘” °""°’“ 1036 ,,,,,0 ________________ _ _________________ 1-40 or an e . Wglfber, lllarrict U. (daughter), I Wnvhrf. M<1¢Mld¤(w¤¥ivw). Wpg]_]3i0u___ ,__,,,___ ,. . .. ... 1613 Penmou ---—··• ~·-·•··; •·-•··~-·-~· · ···· ·· 1633 ebbers Falls, Okla., Wmtwqrth, Mary M (undow), fiing gxmndgd for bridging Arkansas River ’ -... , . .3. . ._ ...- --.. 1 618 ..,... 104 y - . Webs, near WP6mi6° ····· :· ··: ······ 2 ······ : ····‘····· 1628 due ¤¤» @¤· M -~·-----·--- · --··------— 902 §"°£7“",1'}.,€'Z."‘£§',§"",’r*..'°,e,.’°”‘,,.’ ismze .,, eee use Webster S nga, WZ Va., PP P 6 . · ·· · = wm, ,,{”Q°,,m at _____________,. - ..,__, 393 Wmgkx F· (1*M'°w)» 1689 1695 weazezg, F,.mee_ s Ann (mee ·>. W},’_,°g 0,,,,;,3; ‘g—j_ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·········· * Wp6;i¤l21¤lg_,17:;?d ..----·------ - -—-------- 1701 examination, eee, of, to be lm W1>d;¤¤i<>¤ 1¤<=¤¤¤¤<=>·1 ·----------··----—·~·--- 1719 West resin ofe$'wth· 1%% bf Meir] e es, _, duty on, iron or steel . ...· 879 Wportioxi of, declared a nonnavigable stream. 1171 Weeds, _ est Fork of Susquehanna River, _ duty on, rnanufactures of, not specmlly time extended for bridging, Williamsport . W Hq for".; . - ..-..--.. 919 W t I t{)D\}b018t0WD, .., ,____, 1131 66 s cs s aoqwar from enmar Wpensmn increased . . . Z .. _ 1 633 (see Virgin Islands).

 Hadnnu, Autornatw Slot-Devwe, West Indus,

excise tax on, sold b producer, etc .. 292 appropriation for Weather Service expenses operated by manugcturer, etc .. 292 111.. . . .. 609, 1294