Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/974

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946 SIXTY-SEVENTH ooscnnss. sm. II. cu. ssc. 1922. ¤"·°¤·v:¤1:f;‘§8“é States of such articlm and on and after thirty days after the date Y of any such O-proclamation such new or additional, rate or rates of duty so spe ed_ and declared in_ such proclamation shall be levied, _ collected, and upon such articles. . m °*gy!;; (f) All artic es imaprted contrary to the provisions of this section legéinmms. ’ shall betfglrfeiteg to de Umétéed Staffs and shall bedliable to be seized, prosecu an con emn in e manner an under the same iigmptihigséegehmhgions, and proylisions ag may from time to time es a or erecove co ection istri ution and rem` ` _ of forfeitmes to the Uniteldy,States byithe several,revenue1P:;)sli mg*_f§;’,{‘*mP°“°“°¤° yhenevt? tlhe Groyggicéns of tips Ac; shahl lip applicable to importaionsm te m tateso arti eswo lorinpartthe wth or product of any foreign country, they shui be applicable ggreto _ whether such articles are imported directly or indirect] .

 (g) lt shall be the duty o the United States Tariff Crommission to

¤¤r¤¤¤¤¤<>¤S- ascertain and at all times to be informed whether any of the discrimmatrons against the commerce of the United States enumerated in suihd1vis1¢:1nhf(a)h(b)l; a.nd (ei) sic secttion are practigiedl by any counry·an an wensuc mmm o ts d t shall be ithe duty of the commission to briilg lziheafiiatgdir? to Stligsalitteri- Rum m t be tion of the President, together with recommendations. md, ,;, mgmgn 0, (h) The Secretary of the Treasury with the approval of the Presipmamsuas. dent shall make such rules and regulations as are necessary for the execution of such proclamations as the President may issue in _ _ _ accordance with the provisions of this section. .i,'§`f§g,“’c',§'u‘,’}§#;,‘fl?°m hg That when used in this secgsion the term "foreign country" s mean any empire coimtry ominion c I t t te, or any subdivision or subdiyisions thereof (d)tl(igr¥,tl(iit‘nplt(l1ei§cIl)1i.iii;ed States and its possessions), within which separate tariff rates or sep- Tumcc _ _ arate regulations of commerce are enforced. Addw dumf °,f"‘· Sec. 318. _(a) That m order that the President and the Congress may secure information andassrstance, it shall be the duty 0 the Lmted States _Tar1ff Commission, in addition to the duties now Ascmm C0 vm] imposed upon it by law,_ to—— 0,,,,,, 8,,,, ,m,§,,,p§§_ _ 1)_ Ascertam conversion costs and costs of production in the gg::§_¤ ¤¤ D ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ d grmcipal growing, producing, or manufacturing centers of the United tlhates of articles of the United States, whenever in the opinion of e commission it is practicable- ,,,;f‘_,{‘,§lf‘§§,§*{},,g’Q,*}“;},°; _(2)_ Ascertain conversion costs and costs of production in the eign memes. principal growing, producing, or manufacturm§ centers of foreign hloginggflhi of &}‘l}l€lll6S_ imported into hhs United tates, whenever in on o e commission g production are necessary for C0I$1l]l);I'lS(f)(;1¤Y;l$'lr€ll.0I(l0Iti?l(;iI;l(l)IIl Edits; iii; coststof pgoductron in the United States and can be reasonably ascer ame ; S°J°°*·d%S°¤*?¢·°°¤·· (3) Select and describe articles which ' zrarrsmress classes or kinds of more im · "° "°·'ii°i‘°“t““"° °f “h° _.. . m _ _ _ ported into the nited States and °°°°m°l°° which are similar to or comparable with articles of the United States; select and_ describe articles of the United States similar to or comparable with such imyilorted articles; and obtain and file samples of Thmim articles so selected, w enever the commission deems it advisable• mms- Se1$;)tB1(hscertam import costs of such representative articles iso m§eiilxi°i§e<i]E1€$€eS°{f’i” _(5) Ascertain the groweifs, producer’s, or rnanufacturer’s selling prices in thedprmcipa igrowmg, roducing, or manufacturing centers giuiihe Umte States o the artidles of the United States so selected; _mherf t f k - . . .

%if;;:i¤§?;r§i W isgcertain all other facts which show the differences in or

acs. _ act compet1tion between articles of the United States and imported articles in the principal markets of the United States.