Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/959

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SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 356. 1922. 931 PAR. 1660. Shingles. Sh.I¤r;1¤s¥lJsT· PAR. 1661. Shotgun barrels, in single tubes, forged, rough bored. Sh¤¢x¤¤b¤¤¤=|s- PAR. 1662. Shrimps, lobsters, and other shellfish, fresh, frozen, “"°““"’· packed in ice, or prepared or preserved in any manner, and not specially provided for. PAR. 1663. Silk cocoons and silk waste. Sm‘°°°°°"“· PAR. 1664. Silk, raw, in skeins reeled from the cocoon, or rereeled, R"' ”“*· but not wound, doubled, twisted, or advanced in manufacture m an wa . gAB.%665. Skeletons and other preparations of anatomy. Skf“°*°"°· PAR. 1666. Skins of all kinds, raw, and hides not specially pro- S“““°”° m“· vided for. Som PAR. 1667. Sodium: Nitrate, sulphate, crude, or salt cake, and “°" niter cake. _ Nm", mm PAR. 1668. Specimens of natural history, botang, and mineralogy, ;m,,,,S_ “’°°' when importer; fpligdgcientific public collections, an not for sale. gpm _ PAR. 1669. . ` PAR. 1670. Sgurs and stilts used in the manufacture of earthen, Spurs °”d°m°S' porcelain, or stone ware. 1, . mm PAR. 1671. Stamps: Foreign postage or revenue stamps, canceled mm PS' or uncanceled, and foreign gvernment stamped post cards bearmg no other printing than the o cial imprint thereon. PA}:. 1672. Standard newsprint paper. N°"‘P"“‘* P"¥f°'· PAR. 1673. Statuary and casts 0 sculpture for use asmodels or for ,,,,§*f,‘§,{f§,;'°°°*“·°“*· art educational p1u·poses only; regalia and gems, where specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society incor- ¤¤¤·1i¤¤¤¤- porated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine _,.; , , arts, or for the use and bi order of any coll e, academy school, . ,¢g3’Y`·>~‘ semin of learning, orp an asylum, or pdglic hospital in the Uniteclxgtates, or any State or public library, and not for sale, subject to such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe; but the term "regalia" as herein used shall be held to embrace only 1¢¤•¤l¤s¤f"r¤e¤1ia" such insignia of rank or office or emblems as may be worn upon the person or borne in the hand during public exercises of the society or mstitution, and shall not include articles of furniture or fixtures, or of regular wearing apparel, nor personal property of individuals. PAR. 1674. Altars, pulpits, commimion tables, baptismal fonts, ,,;“,§,‘§;,{,,??$'§,,:,¥'{·°*"~· shrines, or parts of any of the foregoing, and statuary, imported in good faith or presentation (without charge) to, and for the use of, any corporation or association organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes. PAB. 1675. Stone and sand: Burrstone in blocks, rough or im- ,,§,{,‘f”°""‘ ""‘· manufactured; uartzite; tra rock; rottenstone, l31'lp0ll, and sand, crude or manuliactured; clifiy stone, freestone, granite, and sandstone, unmanufactured, and not suitable for use as monumental or building stone; all of the foregoing not specially provided for. _ PAR. 167 6. Strontianite or mineral strontium carbonate and celw- °""°“*¤**•· tlté or mineral strontium sulphate. PAR. 1677 . Sulphur in any form, and sulphur ore, such as pyrites s°*P*“¤· orsulphuret of iron in its natural state, and spent oxide of iron, containing more than 25 per centum of sulphur. PAR. 1678. Tagua nuts. '*'*¢°•¤¤¤- PAR. mm. Tamarinds. ’*·¤·¤¤¤¤- Pan. 1680. Tapioca, tapioca flour, and cassava. "`*P*°°'* PAR. 1681. Tar and pitch of wood. ""*"'*¥’“°**· _PAR. 1682. Tea not special} provided for, and tea plants: Pro- mded, That all cans, boxes, andy other immediate containers, including T¤¤¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤n. Paper, and other mappings of tea in packages of less than five P0¤11ds each, and all mtermediate containers of such tea, shall be