Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/951

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. cri. 356. 1922. 923 whether in whole or in parts, includinglre air {parts: Provided, That P,,,,{,§f¤ LM- n0 articlc-ilspecified by name in Title I s all} be ree of duty under this wgtmgimble articles ex. ar ap . ‘ P Pig:-. 1505. Albumen, not speciall provided for. Mmmm. _ Pas. 1506. Any animal imported{>y a citizen of the United States *“‘“°““"’“"°°‘““$· specially for breeding Euposes, shall be admitted free, whether intended to be used by e importer himself or for sale for such pur- P . poses, except black or silver oxes: Promkled, That no such ammal negmémd uma shall be aidmitteg frlie iénless ptpre bred of in iecoinized breed a1}dAluly °'“"‘ re istere in a oo 0 recor recognize` y the tary 0 gn- . cultge fog that breedf: Prgvided }l)`hat tgecc;eg·tifi::1atelpf such regatta;. ummm recor an pe igree 0 suc anim s e pro u an su mitte to the Department of Agriculture, duly authenticated by the proper custodian of such book of tifcortak togethplr with ba;} ailiqpvité oftthei owner ent, orimporter at e anim im or is thei en ica

 ?es¢;ribedciHP said certificate bqaf reclprg and pedigree. Tlge

ret 0 Agri ture ma rescri suc regulations as may e requirgdy for determining they iirity of breeding and the identity of such animal: A f#Ert}w1·, That the collectors of customs ,i£,_°§{$§“l"°°"'“’““` shall require a ce cate from the Department of Algriculture stating that such animal is pure bred of a recognized bree and duly regis- Free; m ta bopk of record recognized by the Secretary of Agriculture ort at ree. Em, I, Hg, The Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe such additional mms. t regulations as may be required or the strict enforcement of this l‘0V1Sl0I.`I.. ‘ o s animals` P Horses, mules, asses, cattle, sheep, and other domestic animals iéxagugwgatgiiywcssstraying across the boundary line into any foreign country, or driven 1·¤u,p?r1$¢P- across such boundary line b the owner for temporary asturage urposes onl , together with their offspring, shall be dutiable unless brought bac; to the United States within eight months, in which case thegeshall be free of duty, under regulations to be prescribed P,,,,,,,,,_ §¥..2Z?.‘i¥F‘E XZt°}§§.i”1’2?,s§¥§’i0A£i1 S.’i2‘£"d‘m‘}mf.’iLY"Z’a$$‘§”bZl?§ ~·*¤’~**"°°"°“ “` imported and are in quarantine or otherwise in the custody of cust<éms 0l&0l{]l-;3I‘1;)IlZlO81'S of the United States at the date of the taking _ e ect. o t ct. ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,.,1 PAB. 1507. Animals brought into the United States temporarily g,L·{g{;{0l{¤§,i;?¤¤¤¤i¤ci for a period not exceeding six months, for the purpose of ’ . ‘?,’.§l‘.§"t1‘:.°;‘· 9* m.*;$*;2*°¤ {zz P“{s:d°“.5::‘a%,.b;i.:*;y..*%r..w23s*:*..r 3... .1... _ , acing ass a on; a s _· with regulatioplsg presicribed gy the Secreta? of klihe also 'f·•¤¤¤•>“¤¤¤¤‘•¤*¤ teams o anim inc udmg' their ess an tac e an ewagons or other vel1icl§s,aGtugl(y gwned bytpe?1ons§smigrating fgoni forezigr; countne to t m t tes wi e1r es, an 111 ac ua gage for the puiapigpcof such eiixigrationimundeé regulgionsdaisftlée s_,T1<¤¤¤¤•¤¤»¤¤•f¤¤ _ cret ote asnuyinayprescn ;an _ amm s_an_ u·s mtendzy for exhibition in zoological collections for scientitic or edppational purposes, and not for sale or proht. An AB. 1508. Antimony ore. *i*¤°¤Y°'** Pak. 1509. Annatto and extracts of, archil or archil liz;-lipid, '“""’“°*°*°‘ c0ChlD88l,_CUdl)8&P, ganibier, litmus prepared or unprepared; of the foregoing not contaming alcohol. _ _ Thmwtic s,,,,,,,_ P3};. 1510. Antitoxms, vaccines, vuuses, serums, and bacterins, ¢*¤· use or therapeutic purposes. , , _ PAR. 1511. Arrowroot in its natural state and not manufactured. ;u,p,1,d8;,mm,c_ PAR. 1512. Sulphide of arsenic. _ _ m,,,,,,,,,S,,,,,d_ PAB- 1513. Arsenious acid or white arsemc. ,,,,,,],,5,,,, ,_,,,c,& rg BAR. 1514. Articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of the turned byexpona. United States, when returned after having been exported, without