Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/835

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SIXTY-SEVENTH oonemzss. sms. 11. cs. 259. 1922. 807 t ists, head waiters and assistant head waiters, head pantrymen, clii)ef baker and bakers, butchers, truck chauffeurs, mechanicians for repair of trucks, firemen, seamstresses, and necessary pantrymen, butcher’s hellplers, baker’s helpers, waiters, coffeemen, dish pantrymen, utility men, enmen, laundrymen, scullions, and other unskilled and unclassified occu ations, wages to be determined by the Superintendent of the N avalp Academy, and in no case to exceed $75 per month in case of unskilled and unclassified employees, $203,215: Provided, §;*;_”§;;rmm That no employee paid under the provisions of this paragraph shall ' receive a salary in excess of $2,000. _ Department of buildings and grounds: One messenger to superin- ,,,§§°§’,§‘§°g{‘§§‘§§§l"“°' tppdent, $1,001.60; necessary building attendants, $145,436.40; in a , $146,438. In all, civil establishment, $1,001,251. _ Current and miscellaneous expenses, Naval Academlyz For text and °°"““g°"‘ "‘p°“°* reference books for use of instructors; stationery, b ank books and forms, models, maps, and periodicals; a paratus and materials for instruction in physical training and athletics; expenses of lect1u·es and entertainments not exceeding $1,000, including pag and expenses of lecturer; chemicals, philosophical apparatus an instruments, stores, machinery, tools, fittings, apparatus, and materials for instruction lpurposes, $100,000. _ For purc ase, binding, and repair of books for the hbrary (to be Uhmpurchased in the open market on the written order of the superintendent), $2,500. For expenses of the Board of Visitors to the Naval Academy, B°°·*’d°¥ViSi*°*¤· $3 000. I•`or contingencies for the superintendent of the academy, to be S"°°m”°“°°“°‘ expended in his discretion, $3,000. or contingencies for the. commandant of midshipmen, to be s,, ‘°‘“‘“‘ expended in his discretion, $1,200; n all, current and miscellaneous expenses, $109,700. G Maintenance and repairs, Naval Academy: For necessary repairs of md°rl§;,r§ilSI?°mt°mm° pxublic buildings, wharves, and walls inclosing the grounds of the aval Academy, improvements, repairs, and 1'ixtures; for books, periodicals, maps, models, and drawings; purchase and repair of fire engines; fire apparatus and plants; machinery; purchase and main- H tenance of all horses and horse—drawn vehicles for use at the academy, mciéésgttflmwu v°' including the maintenance, operation, and repair of three horsedrawn passengencarrving vehic es to be used only for official purposes; seeds and plants; tools and repairs of the same; stationery; furniture for Government buildings and offices at the academy, includin furniture for midshipmen s rooms; coal and other fuels; candles, of and gas ; attendance on light and power plants; cleaning and clearing up station and care of iuildings; attendance on fires, lights, fire engines, fire apparatus, and plants, and telephone, telegraph, and clock systems; incidental labor; advertising, water ta.x, postage, telephones, telegrams, tolls, and ferri e; flags and awnings; packing boxes; fuel for heating and light' agbandsmen’s quarters; pay o inspectors and draftsmen; music abut? astronomical instruments; and foiipay of employees on leave, $1,105,000. _ or commutation of rent for bandsmen, at $15 per month, each, R°”°°°"’““°"°‘°“‘ $13,500. In all, maintenance and repairs, $1,118,500. In all, Naval Academy, exclusive of public works, $2,229,461.