Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/794

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'766 SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 253-255. 1922. 0 •r¤¤¤¤ ,***1* In addition there is a propriated for the operation maintenance, $£d6i¤tiiZ'm and extension of waterwbrks, sewers, and pavements the cities of Panama and Colon, durin€) the fiscal year 1923, the necessary portions of such sums as shall e paid as water rentals or directly y the Government of Panama for such expenses. Approved, June 30. 1922. Juidjgbblm CHAP. 254.-A.n Act Creating the Eitions of Second Amistant Secretary and [P¤5H¢,N<>- ml private secretary in the Department of bor. Be it enacted by tire Senate and House eglriiegresentatives eg the United §;’,,§',';‘“A§,°,§¤I‘{‘§’,$",: States of Amerika an Congress assemble , at there sha be m the r¤¢¤ryt¤1>¤¤r·1>¤1¤¢¤¤- De artment of Labor an additional Secretary, who shall be known and) designated as Second Assistant Secretary of Labor. He shall be WW *11*1 ‘1°“°°· appointéd by the President Eng shall reclegp tp salary %m5S000ha . e orrn uc ut'es as s e rescri the Sgetary of Inbopg-br reeiuired by law, and in cage of the death, ' tron, absence, or sickness of the Assistant Secretasyl shall, mtg a successor is appointed or such absence or sickness sh cease, perform the duties devolving upon the Assistant Secretarygelziy reason ,,_%,;_B·*“‘”· *77* "°· of section 177, Revised Statutes, unless otherwise direc by the _ President, as provided b section 179, Revised Statutes. P‘“'“°° S°°'°"""· Sec. 2. That there shall be in the Department of Labor one aprivate secretary to the Second Assistant Secretary of Labor at a s ary of _ $2 100 a year. ,,·}g’,}"°p"““°”'°'““" Sec. 3. That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of PMP- 1051- any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $8,283.34, or_so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the salaries of the Second Assistant Secretary of Labor and the private secretary to the Second Assistant Secretary for the fiscal years 1922 and 1923. Approved, June 30, 1922. [P:;l§3s2Z·S?;] CHAP. 265.-An Act To continue certain land offices, and for other purposes. C, 0. . Be it enacted by tlte Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United ggsggylggggimd Om States of America in Gages.; assembled, Tgt the land offices now cmemmuea. located, respectiveg, at llefourche in the State of South Dakota, ""“*"‘5‘"· Waterville in the tate of Washington, Dickinson in the State of North Dakota, Del Norte and Sterling in the State of Colorado Clayton and Fort Sumner in the State of New Mexico, Harrison and Camden m the State of Arkansas, and Alliance in the State of Nebraska, are hereby continued for and during the fiscal ear commencing July 1, 1922, and thereafter, in the discretion of tile President as smut. I long as the public business at such oflioes shall warrant: Provided, ,,%$‘§ $;°i,2";,",§% however, That the President may consolidate the offices of register •°“°¤°°°· anglireceiver in any of said offices whenever he may deem it in the _ pu c interest. E’°°""“”°‘°"’°d‘ Sec. 2. That such appropriations as are sufficient to maintain sarddotiices are hereby authorized to be made from time to time as con itions may require. Approved, June 30, 1922.