Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/706

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678 SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 249. 1922. V¤*¤°*° **8*- For purchase of metal identification number tags for horse-drawn vehicles used for business purposes and motor vehicles in the District of Columbia, $15,000. _ _ _ m*;°¥’***’*¤¤ *”° *”i“‘ _ For repair of buildings owned by the District of Columbia, when injgired by fire, $5.000. _ _ _ vammry nippiia. or medicines, surgical and hospital supplies for office of veterinary surgeon, $200. mowvemcie. BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION. E‘°"°*°' *"·‘P°°*°”· To reimburse three inspectors of elevators for expenses incurred by them in the maintenance of their own motor cycles incident to the performance of their 0ImCl8l duties, at the rate of $13 each per month, $468. w§¤¤=¤¤<>¤¤¤ i¤=x¤·><*· For transportation, means of transportation, and maintenance of means of transportation, including allowances to inspectors for automobiles at the rate of $26 per month each, $1,200. PLUMBING INSPECTION DIVISION. Pnumbingtnspecmrs- To reimburse three assistant inspectors of plumbing for provision and maintenance by themselves of three motor cycles or use in their official Inspections in the District of Columbia, $13 per month each, $468. District sanding. DISTRICT BUILDING. Maintenance, For fuel, light, power, repairs, laundry, mechanics, and labor not to exceed $5,000, and miscellaneous supplies, $35,000. w§*éggig§gf’d°°* ‘” ormcn or SUPERINTENDENT or wmoirrs, Mnascizns, AND MARKETS. iuspecaonnac. For purchase of small quantities of groceries, meats, proyisions, and so forth, including personal services, in connection with lDV(·}Sllgation and detection of sales of short weight and_ measure, $300. umm. For maintenance and repairs to markets, including salary of engineer for refrigcrating plant at not exceeding $1,200 pcr annum, $7.000. M¤¤¤¤¢¤*¤¤k~· For maintenance and repair of four motor trucks, at $3130 each, $1,440. sURvm‘o1z’s orrres. §pr=·e1·<, ¥=izh~¤·¤>· For making surveys to mark permanently on the ground the per- SY °m‘ manent system of highways for the District of Columbia, $2,000. Employment ~e:vi···~. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 1ini¤mn.i¤.»e et. For personalservices and miscellaneous and contingent expenses ¥°°’”"*· required for maintaining a public employment service for the District of Columbia, $7,500. HISTORICAL rnacns. mammxmbiee. _For erection of suitable tablets to mark historical places in the District of Columbia, S500. ,),0,,,,,,. mn, Pnorizznrr YARD. Aiteymeiene. For alterations and improvements to the_old Mott School for use §;,@’· as a property yard, to be immediate] · available, $2,500: Provided . _ 5 7 That a wire fence shall be binlt around the property.