Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/700

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672 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 249. 1922. D*$°*i°°B¤“‘“¤¤· cam: or msrmcr smnnmo. °"°"m°g ‘°'°°’ em Salaries: Assistant superintendent, $2,000; chief engineer, $1,600; three assistant engineers, at $1,200 each; electrician, $1,400; dynamo tender, $880; fo11r firemen, at $840 each; three coal passers, at $600 each; electrician’s helper, $880; eight elevator conductors, at $600 each; laborers·—two at $660 each, two at $500 each; two chief cleaners (who shall also have charge of the lavatories), at $500 each; services of cleaners as necessary, not to egrceed 30 cents per hour, $9,000; matron, $600; storekeeper, $900; chief watchman, $1,000; assistant _ chief watchman, $660; six watchmen, at $600 each; pneumatic·tube mt ,,,,8,,,,;,,, operator, $600; in all, $40,000: Provided, That no other appropriation ggmget ¤¤¤¤¤¤ made in this Act shall be available for the employment o additional ` assistant engineers or watchmen for the care o the District Building. ASSESSOR’S ormcn. ‘°“" °I’° °m°°` Salaries: Assessor, $3,500; assistant assessors——three at $3,000 each, one $2,000; five field men at $2,000 each; record clerks—one $1,800, two at $1,500 each, two (who shall also be typists) at $1,400 each, one $1,200; clerks—three at $1,400 each, three at $1,200 each, four at $1,000 each, one $900, one $720; dra:ftsmen—one $1,600, two at $1,200 each; two stenographers and typewriters at $1,200 each; assistant or clerk, $900; messenger, $600; board of assistant assessors——clerk, $1,500; vault clerk, $900; messenger and driver, $600; temporary clerk hire, $500; in all, $58,120. srrzcrar. Assmssumrr ormcn. $$*8* ¤*¤°¤$m¤¤* Salaries: Special assessment clerk, $2,000; clerks—~one $1,400, three at $1,200 each, one $900, one $750; in all, $8,650. rnnsonar. Tax Boann. P°”°"°1 m b°°"l‘ Salaries: Three assistant assessors of personal taxes, at $3,000 each; chief ms ctor of rsonal ro rt , $1,800; a raiser of ersonal P9 5*9 P P9 Y PP P. property, $1,800; c erk, $1,400; assistant clerk, $1,000; two mspectors, at $1,200 each; extra clerk hire, $2,000; intangible personal propKerty———two clerks at $1,500. each, five inspectors at $1,200 each, cler to board of personal tax assessors, $1,800, clerk, $1,200; in all, $31,400. LICENSE BUREAU. Ll°"°"°bumu' Salaries; Superintendent of licenses, $2,000; clerks—one $1,400, two at $1,200 each, one $1,000, one $900; inspector, $1,200; inspector of licenses, $1,200; assistant inspector of licenses, $1,000; messenger, $600; temporary clerk hire, $1,500; in all, $13,200. COLLECTORYS ormca. C"“°°*°"s"m""· Salaries:_Collector, $4,000; deputy collector, $2,000; chief clerk, arrears division, $2,000; cashier. $1,800; two assistant cashiers, at $1,500 each; bookkeeper, $1,600; two bailiffs, at $1,200 each; clerks——six at $1,400 each, thirteen at $1.200 each, four at $1,000 each, five at $900 each, one $720; clerk and bank messenger, $1,200; two messengers, at $600 each; in all, $52,420. AUDITOR?S oirucn. A°dim’S°m°°` Salaries: Auditor, $4,000; chief clerk, $2,250; bookkeeper, $1,800; accountant. $1,500: clerks——three at $1,600 each, five at $1,400 each,