Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/64

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36 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Crr. 23. 1921. ,.1°.F2?“"’ °°°•"* TREASURY DEPARTMENT, °°°°°'S°"°°"" orncn or mn sncnmxnr.

 °°°'”’ For the salaries of officers and employees during the fiscal year 1922

at annual rages as follows (now being paid from the appropriation ‘Expenscs o Loans'): - Commissioner of the Public Debt, $6,000; Commissioner of Accounts and De 'ts $6 000· °""‘°"°”’°"°"“* Division at Deposits: cms: of divisrigiu, 3:;,500; ’m1semt cms: or division, $2,500; clerks--0ne $2,250, one $2,000, one $1,800, one 31:600, one $1,400; messenger, $840; assistant messenger, $720; m $16,610. · w _“° of Bookkeeping and Warrants: For the force to be trans- ,,;•¤¤¤*·'¤¤ '°*°•· ferred to this division on account of the transfer of duties from the Division of Public Moneys, at annual rates of compensation during the fiscal year 1922, as ollows: Assistant chief of division, $2,500; clerks——two at $2,000 each, three at $1,800 each, three at $1,600 eachytwo at $1,400 each, two at $1,200 each; two messengers, at umu $840 each; assistant messenxr, $720; H1 all, $24,300. _ tpggifm. For expenses l1]0ld0l1til70 e d1sc the duties imposed upon §,"j;"·Pf§{g the Secretary of the Treasury by the rtation Act, 1920, and Mtv P° thai I;ederal Control_Act, approved t]2l1i 1918, als amtplnded, v,,_ _,,,_,,,,_ an or expenses arising in connection wi oans an cre `ts to ¤*»¤¤i°Y¤H) foreign Governments un er the Libert Loan Acts and the Victory Liberty Act and inconnection with credits granted or conditions M Mm §"§‘,i}°0p‘Z?t2¤$“2-if; ’h°m’L°2’$.’fLi‘l’§`gtl£iidmt*“°g’pas0°“°* §’.i¤p¤.,m°’“*£‘$°?2 E:?m_”mm_ the District of flolugilahfiscal year 1922, $25,000. _ _ _ v .41,p. me. aémproprratron for Expenses of loans, contamed in the Legis- ,,;§"}{,'§*",[‘,§‘°§‘,,?,,‘Pg lat1ve,_ xecutive, and Judicial Appropriation Act for the iiscalfyear {};¤=g:»¤1=s·· °¤P•¤¤¤¤=W), 1922, rs hereby made avmlable for expenditures in the Office o the %D1:.t¢,»¤u:>¤•¢ Commissioner of the Public Debt an hfo(1iuexp§nditm·es in tlgaLPost ,,_ , _ “‘ _ epartmentinconnectionwi the tri ution sal an ree L;) Lgnims mg of accounts of war savings and thrift stamps, as brogided in tliie •¢r¤rJ¤¤e¤0,°}¤¤;;_ be DeBciency_Appropriation Act approved November 4, 1918. The Eii"§°Q”S§°m¤4.¤,m gpproprinatnon or ‘Expenses of loans" contained in section 8 of the }}g,'fQ’g’;f*3$f‘,g_ irst berty Bond Act and in section 10 of the Second Liberty Bond Act, as 8II1§i1'Id8d,.tl§ hereby tpiiads applicable todanylpsperatiops arising in connec on wi any pu xc e t issues ma e su equent y to June 30 1921, pursuant to the authority contained in the First v,,,_ 4,, PJ., Liberty Boixd Act or the _Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended and suréplemented, the prov1sions of the Legislative, Executive, and Ju cial Appropr1ation_Act, rsfpproved May 29, 1920, to the contrary .,Q’°”,°’°,,;,,,,_ notwithstanding: Ifromded, at with respect to operations on account of any such issue hereafter made such appropriations shall be available only until the_close of the fiscal year next following the fiscal year in which such issue was made. Comptroller of the cmmy. orrrcn or oom>·raou.rm or run cumumcr. halsnii-ilfgtivtifuaihpriii _For expenses of Federal reserve and national curren (to be ,dd,?”¥f,,,f,‘,,'{°{;,,P,°’_ reimbursed by the Eederal reserve and national banks): tiger addi- •¤¤· 1*22- tional employees durm(§ the fiscal year 1922 at annual rates of compensation as follows: erk counters-—three at $1,400 each, three at $1,200 each; seven counters at $1,000 each; in all, $14,800.