Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/589

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SIXTY-SEVENTH conoiznss. sees. 11. cs. 199. 1922. 561 available interchangeably in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior for the necessary expenditures for damages by floods and L_ _ _ other unforeseen exigencies: rovided, however, That the amount so mu°°°°°' interchanged shall not exeeed in the aggregate 10 per centum of all the amounts so appropriated. SUPPRESSING motion Tnarrro. For the suppression of the traffic in intoxicating liquors and dole- trggiiiimwng umm terious drugs among Indians, $30,000. nnunvrito nxsrnnss, AND so FORTH. For the relief and care of destitute Indians not otherwise provided glrgxiisiiligg ceziiiigiiié for, and for the prevention and treatment of tuberoulos1s, trachoma, ’°“°S*°°°* smallpox, and other contagious and infectious diseases, including transportation of (patients to and from hosp1tals and sanatoria, p,,,,,,_,,,,_ $370,000: Provide , That this appropriation may be used also for f;{__g¤¤¤¤I**°¤°· general medical and surgical treatment of Indians, including the maintenance and operation of general hospitals, where no other Mmmm to gpm funds are apiphcable or available for that purpose: Provided {rather, fied s,,,,,,t,,,,,, 8,,,, 1,,,,,, That out o the appropriation herein authorized there s all be Phisavailable for the maintenance of the sanatoria and hospitals hereinafter named, and for incidental and all other expenses for their proper conduct and management, including pay of employees, repairs, eqgpment, and improvements, not to exceed the followipg amounts: lackfeet Hospital, Montana, $12,500; Carson Hospit , Nevada, $10,000; Cheyenne and Arapahoe Holepital, Oklahoma, $10,000; Choctaw Chickasaw Hospital, O, ahoma, $35,000; Fort L8RW81 Sanatorium, Idaho, $40,000; Laguna _Sanator1um, New Mexico, $17,000; Mescalero Hospital, New Mexico, $10,000; Navajo Sanatorium, Arizona, $10,000; Pima Hosgtal, Arizona, $13,000; Phoenix Sanatorium, Arizona, $40,000; Spo ’ane Hospital, Washin ton, $10,000; Sac and Fox Sanatorium, Iowa, $40,000; Turtle iiviountain Hospital, North Dakota, $10,000; Winnebago Hospital, Nebraska, $18,000; Crow Creek Hospital, South Dakota, $8,000; Hoopa Valley Hospital, California, $10,000; Jicarilla Hoepital, New Mexico, $10,000; ’lruxton Canyon camp hospital, Arizona, $5,000; Indian Oasis Hospital, Arizona, $10,000, Immediate mm, 0, That there is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not goagwim umu June otherwise appropriated, the sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as ’ ‘ may be necessary, to be immediately available, and to remain available only until June 30, 1022, for the relief of destitution among Indians, to be used in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, p,,,,.,_,,,,_ for the furnishing of food, clothing, and other supplies: B1-mmled, Iu§ga{g¤§¤¤f¤rw¤¢k¤v ’l`hat_where able-bodied Indians have no means of support this apprepriation may be used to pai such Indians for work performedin the construction of roads or other improvements on the reservation, or for the purchase of necessary seeds and implements to enable them to L. .m. cultivate their farms: Provided further, That no part of this appro- e1¤sslii1i>1r¢ig,·§I4ituIiii1§; priation shall be used for the purchase of food, clothing, or other sup- °*°· plies that can be furnished by the War or Navy Departments or by the United States Shipping Board from suoplus stock in time to meet Surplus Govmmmt the present emergeney; and the War and havy Depairomengsl and the ieopigigputbg Lnited States Shipping Board shall, upon receipt o orm_ reques therefor, and without charge, turn over to the ndian Service at the oint of storage, any such surplus food, clothing, or other supplies: vsiuememr te be grovidedfuriher, That a sum equal_to the total Value of all suophes fur- fl‘;;‘§'°° mm *·¤° '*"°°* niehed by the golvernmenltlalbagenciefceihgh bl? iloestervtpld fr-oogi the applrioi priation e erem an e cove ac e asury: 42150°—-23---36