Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/58

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30 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 23. 1921. Uniwd States suffering injuries while in the erformance of their duties, and for the other purposes/’ approvedp September 7, 1916, $600. . Rent Commission. . . _ · · f ala, BS and &,,,,,,,, - R t Commissi n. For an additional amount or s r1 ¥’°{}$,§’;, 8; ax expecrilses authorizgd by section 103, Title II, of “The Food Control i ip- i and the District of Columbia. Rents Act," approved October 22, 1919, hwpubucubmn $15,000, to continue available during the e of the commission. commgeuzexpensesl Miscnunnmous, Fans PUBLIC LIQRABY, INQLUQDING T;\K0MA Pam: nmmcuz For maintenance, repaus, fuel, lightmg, Etting up buildings, lunch—room equ.1pment· purchase, exchange and mamtenance of bicycles and motor de very vehicles; and other contingent expenses; $750. Mi=¤¤H¤¤•¤¤¤· coxrmonur mn MISCELLANEOUS nxrmxsus. °"‘“““"‘“"s“‘· 5:* dm *m?;;..’*w...**°°...?·.*;¢.s·?. 2£.2s2;I;::t¤:§:£; 7 S U . . . . ’ ~ grime objectscgreiciiied under this head in the District of Columbia A ropriation Act for the fiscal year 1921, $2,500. _ _ 1,;*,**, '*’°, ‘“,,°"""`°· Baie limitation on the purchase of ca1: fares from appropriations V6!-41.pp-@4.1156- contained in the District 0; Colgmlgg) goppgogoréauon ct for the fiscal 1921 is incre rom 7, . ,§*¤P•{j¤§;”*°“* °* Otligecadf Superintendent of Weights, Measui-es, and Markets: For iixué maintenance and repair of four motor vehicles, ·*‘*"°'“**”¢- For (general advertising, authorized and required b law, and for tax an school notices and notices of changes in ations, $2,500. 1"‘°°*°¤'°P°"“· For printing all annual and s ecial reports of the government of the District o Columbia for the gscal year ending June 30, 1920, for submission to Congress, $601.04. 8•v¤·¤· szwlms. _ °'°‘"”"·°°°‘ For cleaning and repairing sewers and basins and the maintenance of motor vehicles, $5,000. ’ mfggfuw °°P•’*· ELECTRICAL nuranmnm. °°°""‘°°""’°°’°" For general supplies, repairs, new batteries and battery supplies, telephone rental and purchase, and so forth, includinlg the same objects specified under this ead in the District of Colum ia Appropriation Act for the iiscal year 1921, $1,000. S°“°°"‘ runuc scnoons. §$i$.°i°ii§¤y to Nroirr sermons: For_ payment of teachers and janitors of night

  • °¤¢*¤¤·<=°<=· schools who served during the period from Januar} 29 to February

28, 1921, at the rate of pay they were receiving on anuary 28, 1921, $15,520.06; this payment to be in addition to the nominal sum of F $1 which such teachers and `anitors received during such period. T:¤1,m. Hs For fuel, gas, and electric light and power, $20,000. néibiigiuar pup For transportation for lpup` attending schools for tubercular chil- C°"”°°- dren, $350, or so much thereof as may be necessary: P1-omlded, That expenditures for car fares from this fund shall not be subject to the _ _ general limitations on the use of car fares covered by this Act. mud °*”‘d'°“· For instruction of bhnd children of the District of Columbia, in Maryland, or some other State, under a contract to be entered into _ by the commissioners, $369.50, or so much thereof as may be neces- §°,§§,Qf§,';Sm,_ sary: Provided, That all expenditures under this appropriation shall be made under the supervision of the Board of Education.