Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/559

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. SEss. II. Ch. 185. 1922. 531 periments and investigations concerning the construction and maintenance of farm-drainage work; for invesf ating and developing equipment intended for the construction ani§maintenance of farmdrainage structures; for the purchase of materials and equipment; and for preparing and illustrating reports and bulletins on drainage; and for the employment of assistants and labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere; for rent outside of the District of Columbia, and for supplies and all necessary expenses, $72,260; For investigating farm domestic water supply and drainage dis- ,D<g¤¤¤¢i¢ wmr mvposal, the construction of farm buildin , and other rural engineer` P y° °`mS’°°°‘ problems involving mechanical princiéis, including the erectionnzl such structures outside of the District of Columbia as may be necessary for experimental purposes only, the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, supplies, and all other necessary expwenses, $33,000; or general administrative expenses connected with the above- ,,,,*,§,j,,":""“"`°**"° °*' mentioned lines of investigations and experiments, $16,000; For supervising the preparation, distribution, and use of picric S,$,§§‘f*’l“’ "” °‘l"°' acid, trinitrotoluol trojan powder, and such other surplus war 1>m¤·um¢mg,»w.,14¤ explosives as may be made available for use in clearing stumps and °g"°"“‘"°* “S“‘ stones from agricultural land, independently or in cooperation with agricultural colleges and other agencies, and for investigating and Ropcrtofresults. reporting upon the results obtained from the use of the explosives, $15,000; In all, eneral ex enses, $367,120. Total, gureau of Ii’ublic Roads, $483,320. BUREAU or AGBIUULTUBAL EooNomos. , ¤¤°¤··¤· ' sananms. Chief of bureau, $5,000; administrative assistants—one $3,000, °g,_*’,j°:•,;c· ”· one $2,520, one $2,500; two executive assistants at $2,250 each; ’ ' executive clerks——~seven at $2,000 each, two at $1,980 each; clerkstwenty-three of class four, forty-three of class three, eighty-two of class two, two at $1,320 each, two hundred and iiftg-eight of class one, sixty-nine at $1,100 each, seven at $1,080 eac , one hundred and sixteen at $1,000 each; clerks or draftsmen——two at $1,440 each, one $1,020- photographers—two at $1,400 each, one $1,200; sulperintendent of) televraph, $2,000; supervising telegrapher, $1,620; .,,,?°l°""° °"""°°"" te egraph operators--tive at $1,600 eac , forty-seven at $1,400 each; telephone operators—two at $900 each, one $840; draftsmen—one $1,800, one $1,600, one $1,400, one $1,380, four at $1,200 each, one $1,000, one $900; library assistant $1,440; cartographer $1,500; custodian of supplies $1,200; machine operators——one $1,400, two at $1,100 each, ten at $1,000 each, three at $900 each; three chauifeurs at $900 each; skilled laborers—one $1,200, one $1,000; laborerssix at $900 each, three at $840 each, twelve at $720 each, four at $660 each, five at $600 each, two at $540 each; messengers·—four at $900 each, one $720; messenger or laborer $720; messenger boys-- three at $660 each, thirteen at $600 each, fifteen at $540 each, twenty-two at $480 each; charwomen—two at $540 each, seven at $480 each, two at $360 each, six at $300 each, fourteen at $240 each; in all, $965,440. GENERAL EXPENSES, BUREAU or AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS. Gmniupaiss. For salaries and the employment of labor in the city of Washington m_EmP*°Y°°¤·*¤PP“¤• and elsewhere, furniture, supplies, traveling expenses, rent outsi e of the District of Columbia, and all other expenses necessary in conducting investigations, experiments, and demonstrations, as follows: