Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/534

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506 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 181, 182. 1922. H¤Sy8,1922· CHAP. 181.-An Act Granting certain lands in Hot Springs, Arkansas, to the

 Leo N. Levi Memorial nospiio.1 Association.

_ Be 12 enacted by the Senate and Housligf Representatives of the United miiiniiiséhiirio States cj America in lkqgress assemb , That the exclusive right to

 use, occu y, and enjoy e possession for hospital purposes o all of

¤¤¤¤¤1>it¤\ ¤¤¤¤- lots numbereld one tw? in blogliknumbereq) orzlqlshjiincgred gg fourteen, intecit o ot p` , ansas,is cgran to the Leo N. Memorial iiospital Associatibn, a corporation o anized under the laws of the State of Arkansas, for the purpose of erecting and maintaining thereon an addition to or extension of D¤¤¤i¤¢i·>¤· its present hospital building, located on adjoining lots, numbered three and four, said blockrplne higndreddandglqurteen, in siaid cgty C,,,,,u,,,m_ ofHotS° , kansas. e tsan prf es ante uner this Act gllilglgsizontinue as long asnihegroperty iseigisecgrand occupied for the pmposes mentioned m this ct, subflect, however, to the following conditions and limitations, namely, t at unless said Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital Association shall within five years after the passage of this Act erect and equip a suitable and sightly addition to rorrsitorsprovssions. or extension of its present hospital building, or if said Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital Association shall at any time hereafter use or permit the premises to be used for any other purpose than that herein granted, or if at any time lpay wards are maintained in any buildipgs erected upon the lots here ygfanted, then and in either event all e rights, privileges, and owers y this Act {granted and conferred upon said association shall Ee forfeited to the nited States. Approved, May 8, 1922. [g?hi’1o%i] CHAP. 182.-An Act For the relief of certain persons to whom, or their pred-

 ecessors, patents were issued to public lands in the State of Minnesota under an

erroneous survey made in 1876. Fubuc ,,,,,d,_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Iflegreeentatives of the United cE;,;<gn$¤u¤gh;¤; States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the god, rooosioiiiro bona Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to sell for cash at $1.25 per °d° °°°“*““‘S· acre any unsurveyed land which may on resurvey be found to exist in sections twenty-eight and thirty-three, in township one hundred and forty-nine north, range forty west, fifth principal meridian, in the State of Minnesota, to those persons who in oo faith, by themselves and their predecessors in interest, have heretofore acquired, occupied, and improved such lands under the public land laws in accordance with a Government survey made in 1876; and the Secretary of the Interior may in like ma1mer_ on principles of equity adjust, settle, and confirm by patent the title to any lands in said ,,,,,,,,3, area heretofore claimed, occupied, and improved un er descriptions t fjriyr news pro which on resurvey are fonmd to be erroneous: Provided, That nothing °°"` ’ herein contained shall have the effect of defeating the rights of any other perstpln orfpersons, which may have attached to such lands or an art ereo . R°"“‘°“°“"°*”‘ Sn};. 2. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to make any rules and regulations necessary to carry out and effect the purpose of this Act, and any person or persons claiming any benefits hereof shall make the required payments and perform such other acts as may be necessary or require within the time fixed in the regulations; otherwise any right or advantage claimed under this Act shall be forfeited. Approved, May 8, 1922.