Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/532

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504 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 174, 175. 1922. three hundred and fifty degrees forty-three minutes, thirty thousand and twenty-three feet along the land of Kapapala to a point at seacoast; second, thence in a west and southwesterly direction along the seacoast to a station on a large flat stone, at a place called Na- Puu-0-na-Elemakule, at the seacoast boundary point of the lands of Kapa ala and Kaalaala, the direct azimuth and distance being sixty-. nine dwegrees thirty-four minutes thirt_y seconds, thirty-two thousand and forty-three feet; third, eighty-nme degrees twenty-seven minutes thirt seconds, thirty thousand six hundred and ninety feet along the land of Kaalaala to the main eighteen hundred and sixty- eight lava crack, said point being by true azimuth and distance two hundred and ninety-six degrees twenty-seven minutes thirty seconds, twenty-one hundred feet rom Government survey trigonometrical station Puu N ahala; fourth, thence u along the main eighteen hundred and sixty-eight lava crack, albng the Kapapala pastoral lands to a small outbreak of lava from the eighteen lumdred and sixty- eight lava crack, opposite the Halfway House, the direct azimuth and distance be` one hundred and mnety-eight degrees, thirty-two thousand il;I;%111I1d1`8d and fifty feet; fifth, two hundred and thirty degrees twenty-five minutes, twenty-seven thousand six hundred and fifteen feet along the Ksipapala astoral lands to the west boundary of the Kilauea section, awaii National Park; sixth, three hundred and forty-six degrees twenty minutes, six thousand seven hundred and forty-two feet along said west boundary to a small cone; seventh, two hundred and egghty-two degrees fifty minutes, nineteen thousand one hundred and ty feet along the south boundary of said Kilauea section, Hawaii National Park; e` hth, two hundred and thirty-one degrees fifty minutes thirty seconi, five thousand four hundred and N 1 kl thirty feet along said sout boundary to the Apoint of beginning. e¢¤.°ii§;°ue¤i»i; ws' Sec. 2. That the plrovisions of the Act of st 1, 1916, entitled ",°‘-3"»PP·"·"”¤535· "An Act to establis a national park in the Erito of Hawaii"; the Act of August 25, 1916, entitled "An Act to estaiilish a national park service, and for other purposes, " and all Acts supplementary to ,,,0,,,;,, and amendatori of said Acts are made applicable to and extended redemiwmr Power over the lands ereby added to the park: Provided, That the ro- $u°§,,¥,{Z_“"‘°“s “°° °p` visions of the Act of June 10, 1920, entitled “An Act to create a Fedizral "°1~*1·P-*06* power commission; to provide for the improvement of navigation; the development of water apower; the use of the public lands m relation thereto; and to repe section 18 of the River and Harbor Approgriation Act, approved August 8, 1917, and for other purposes/’ sha not apply to or extend over such lands. Approved, May 1, 1922. (Hifi1rit»i?gi».l CHAP. 175.—Joint Resolution Making available funds for preserving and pro-

~,;T tecting, in the present flood emergency, the levees 0n_the Mississippi River, its tributaries and outlets, not under the jurisdiction of the Mississippi River Commission.

. , . Resolved by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United iiiislrililllirigrllhlririiar- States of America in Congress assemblgl, 'llhlat a sum mit to exceed },’§f,_,s‘mP§,'£°°°,,‘,Q@f{ $200,000 from funds heretofore appropriated for improvement of gggggegvp rgevrgcg rivers and harbors and which remain in the Treasury unexpended em¤£e¤e°¤¤ii3¤1i 0 because the works or pro`ects for which the same were appropriated P’”‘* P·““· have been completed or have' been recommended for abandonment, is hereby made available for expenditure by and under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers for the purpose of protecting life and property by preserving and maintaining during the resent flood emergency, the levees not under Government control on the Mississippi River, its tributaries and outlets. Approved, May 2, 1922.