Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/522

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494 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 129. 1922. a line parallel to the south line of said lot fifty-five two hundred and twenty feet more or less to a point on the`east hne of Sunnyside Avenue where said line intersects said east line of Sunnyside Avenue; thence north on said east line of Sunnyside Avenue one hrmdred and forty-five feet more or less to a point on the north lme of section twenty-four township fifteen north, range sixteen east, Mount Diablo meridian, where said east line of Srmnyside Avenue intersects said section hue; thence east alorzg said section line two hundred and twenty feet more or less to e shore of Lake Tahoe; thence in a southerly direction along the shore of Lake Tahoe one hundred and forty-five feet more or less to the place of beg1nnmg._ Beginning at a point on the west line of Sunnyside Avenue one hrmdred feet north of the point of intersection of the extended south line of lot fifty-five as de ineated and designated upon that certain amended map of Sunnyside tract entitled " unnyside tract, property of N. D. Rideout, part of section twenty-fo1u·, township fifteen north, r e sixteen east, and part of section nineteen, township fifteen niifir., range seventeen east, Placer County, California," filed in the office of the county recorder of the county of Placer, State of Califomia, on the 18th day of November, 1907; filed in the county records of the city of Placerville, State of California, on the 18th ay of November, 1907; thence west on a line parallel to said extended south line of said lot fifty-five, three hundred feet more or less to the east line of a tract of land deeded by William Kent to the United States of America on February 28, 1920, said deed being recorded in the records of said county of Placer in book one hundred and seventy- five of deeds at page 381; thence north on said east line of said tract deeded by Wilham Kent to the United States of America to the north line of section twenty-four, township fifteen north, range sixteen east, Mount Diablo meridian· thence east along said section line to the point of intersection of the west line of Srmnyside Avenue with said section line; thence south along said west line of Sunnyside Avenue one hrmdred and fifty feet, more or less, to the point of ,,,{;;'}g*j “°°“°”°" ildd in exchange therefor may issue patent for certain lands owned by the United States within the Tahoe National Forest and situate in the county of Placer, State of California, in section twenty-four _ township fifteen north range sixteen east, Mount Diablo base and meridian, more particularly described as follows: D°°°"P“°¤· Lot fifty-one and the south half of lot fifty-two, as delineated and designated upon that certain amended map of Sunnyside tract entitled "Snmnyside tract property of N. D. Rideout, part of section twenty-four·, township fifteen north, range sixteen east, and part of section nineteen, township fifteen north, r e seventeen east, Placer County, California} tiled in the office of the count recorder of the cormty of Placer, State of California, on the 18th diy of N 0- vember, 1907; also all that tract of land in the northeast quarter of section twent —four, township fifteen north, range sixteen east, Mount Diablo `liase and meridian, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a oint on the westerly side of Sunnyside Avenue as laid down and dielineated on that certain above-mentioned amended map as Sunnyside tract, which point is sixty-five feet west of the southwest corner of lot fifty-one o said Srmnyside tract, and from said point of begi.nning rrmning parallel to the north boundary of the tract of land conveyed to Alice M. Schmiedell by deed dated the 23d ds? of March, 1908, and recorded in the office of the county recorder o Placer County, in book one hundred and ten of deeds, at page 261, said boundary being parallel to the south line extended of ot fifty-two of said Sunnyside tract; rnmning thence westerl three hundred feet; thence north one degree thirty-seven second;