Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/517

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SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHs.117—119. 1922. 489 $100,000: Provided, That no person shall be employed hereunder at P'°"‘·"’· . a rate of compensation exceeding $1 800 per annum except the Pay msmcuom following: One at $5,000, one at $3,500,, one at $3,000, one at $2,500, three at $2,200 each, and three at $2,000 each. EMPLOYMENT snnvrcn. ,°§f¤P1°Ym°¤* S°”· To enable the Secretary of Labor to foster promote and develop M*·*¤*°¤**¤°° °‘ Nr the_ welfare of the_ wage earners of the United Stated, to imiprove iiriim. mploymm their working conditions, to advance their opportunities for pro table employment by maintaining a national system of employment ofiices, and to coordmate the (public employment offices throughout ` the_co1mtry by furnishing an publ1@g_mformation as to opppr— m§°fg’°¤’°’ desi? tumties for employment and by maintaining a system for clearmg labor_ between the several States, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and or their actual necessary traveling expenses while absent from their official station, together with their per diem in lieu of subsistence, when allowed pursuant to $¤¤i·<1;;;mS¤§isf¤»¤¤¤· section 13 of the Sundry Approlpriation Act tagpproved August ° _’p' d` b_ d 1, 1914; supplies and eqiupment, te egraph and ephone service, in§]’§,§f“g “‘ “‘ ' and printing and binding, $225,000. Total, Department of Labor, $6,916,920. Approved, March 28, 1922. CHAP. 118.-An Act Granting to the Northern Pacific Railway Company the M°{§]}§2%gi?22’ right to construct and maintain a bridge across the Misaimippi River at Minneapolis, in the State of Minnesota. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hoa1seeo2f1?1e£7resentative.:1¢g'the United _ _ _ _ R_ gags of tn. Congress qssembl ,_ dat tge Ng lem P?·6l§0 R§l:§{;2£iY pigiic a' wa pmpany a corporation organize un er the laws o the .` Wa °*¥*P*¤*Ym¤Y State O¥rW1SCOHSlD,,lbS successors and assigns, be, and they are hereby, iiilzliil Mmwp°uS’ authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a railroad bridge and alpproaches thereto across the Mississ1pp1 River at a pointsmtable to t e interests of navigation in the southwest quarter o section twenty- §our,htownship8·ltwenty;1;mne north, rangehtwentygour west Cgf the ourt rincip mem 'an at Minn` ea 0 `s in ennepin unty State oi) Minnesota, in accordance with the provisions of the $‘§,’}?§§‘f°Qi'§2j entitled "An Act to reihilate the construction of bridges over navigable wate1s," approved arch 23, 1906. _ _ A Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal thns Act is hereby ‘“°“°“‘ expressly reserved. Approved, March 31, 1922. CHAP. 1 19.-An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interiorto extend the time ¥g°l§3kv§6W?· for payment of charges due on reclamation projects, and for other purposes. Be it enacted b the Senate and House of Re entatives ty the United . States J Ameriiia in Congress assembled, 'lzlizlga where an individual iei?}°ei°lii§i»3`Z!i£i1§té_r¤ water user or individual applicant for a water right under a Federal §§,§‘g d,§§§"{‘,$,§·‘f’“ 11'1'1 ation reject constructed or being constructed under the Act of §une li; 1902 (Thirty-second Statutes, page 388) or any Act amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, is unable pay any construction charge due an payable m the tyear 1922 or prior thereto, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby au onzed, m his discretion, to extend the date of payment of any such charge for a period not PMP- lmto exceed one year from December 31, 1922: rovtded, _That the iggygymbmty of applicant for the extension shall first show to the satisfaction of the eaunaneene.