Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/48

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20 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 17,18. 1921. have been rendered homeless or are in needy circumstances as the result of the recent! flood due to thetgyserilovné of thie Arkanagis lgivertzng `ts t `b taries an in executxn yom resou ion, e ecre_ _ is Wrslrlis so far as dposdible to cooperatevvith the authorities of the State of Colorado, ax; the mayors of such cities on the Arkansas River or 1tS tributaries as may have sustained damages. Approved, June 8, 1921. ._;.mll§;1lll8%L CHAP. 18.-An Act To provide a national budget system and an independent [P“"h°·N°· ml audit of Government accounts, and for other purposes. · Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Budget and Ac- °°‘“‘°"‘g*°°’m1' '1‘rru¤: I.—DEl'INITIONS. T‘“°°“°" Sncnoir,1. This Act may be cited as the "Budget and Accounting _ Act, 1921. _ _ x_';';‘r':m:1:'““md 2. Wlren used in this Act-- _ N U m»uasimm¤.·· e terms department and establishment department or “*“°1l‘hi‘.“§Zfi' i‘f‘°““u’f”¥e°c§”°.g.s“°i"§yd‘Z.‘i°.€’Zi”.“°$‘&t‘$°§i§’$.1‘,‘§§‘%“0?‘L‘i.”$ _ mission _ urea 0 , , e p:€•iii»°’rfii>si¤€¤¤`i¤¢Ei¤li— Government, including the municipal government of the District °'“°°°‘ of Columbiaihbng do not a_n)c1udeft.3pB t1ge Branch of the Gov- H ,_ ernment or e u reme urt 0 ni tates· _ T1"` B"°g°t' The lterm " the Pggdgeg; means the Budget reqinred by section .. .. 201 to e transmit to ngress· .,;`;;_,, The term "Bureau" means the ,Bureau of the Bud%>t; B 'Iéhg; termd"Director" means the Director of the ureau of the d . u t; an com t Dum The term “Assistant Director" means the Assistant Director of the Bureau of the Budget. - Tm Budm Trrue II.——Tm¤ Btmoirr. •¤¤Pl»°:i°i·°`ii» c°$¤L°§if Sec. 201. The President shall transmit to Con s on the Hist . gms day of eachdregnélar session, the Budget, which shall set forth in summary an m etai : §§’§$,';,€?,5 mxpsn. _ (a) Bstimates of the expenditures and appropriations necessary g·,g8**’7;ggsg§;’;°S?'°;§j in his Iudgment for the support of the Government for the ensuing For pegphmwggxa Gscal year; except that the estimates for such year for the Legis- ¤¤'F”¤.°v”¤. latrye Branch 0 the Govemment and the Supreme Court of the United States shall be transmitted to the President on or before getiobir of each year, and shall be included by him in the i . u e vn ou revision; _ n»Eelis{”aiig°sy';i»iiC°lptS (b? His estimates of the receipts of the Government during the ensuing fiscal year, rmder (1) laws existing at the time the Budget . is transmitted and also (2) nmder the revenue proposals, if any, . Expmdmmmdm eorztiiinreild m the gudget; d ,_ ‘ . _ c e ex en `tures an recei ts of the Go t d th WQSOIZEREW last completes fiscal gear; _ P vemmm umlg 6 dm,,;,?¤e2rm,§,L??,} d (d) Igiltirggtg of the expenditures and receipts of the Govemment °•¤”=¤* — uring e c yearm progress; N,·§‘;§,“,;';§ urgfgfglglg _ (e) The amount of annual,_ permanent, or other appropriations, ggsvw for expendr mcluding balances of appropriations for_ prior fiscal years, available forfexpenditure during the Hscal year in progress, as of November common or nm I 0 Such WU`? §¤2St¤p;xi82;;¤?;rrg?x;; (f) Balanced statements of (1) the condition of the Treasury at mmm mmg,-w,_ the end of the last completed Hscal year, (2) the estimated condition of the Treasury at the end of the fiscal year in progress, and (3)