Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/455

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 103. 1922. 427 appointed, perform his duties under the direction of the Clerk of the _ House: Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply to the Committee §§°Z"Q,§'§,,,,_ onJAccounts. d th f h b th · anitors un er e oregoin s all e a inted b e chairmen, *‘°¤“9'$· respectively, of said committ&s, and shaflpgerform iinder the direc- iiii§°ei¤t1i1>°.i1ii£k§;3¤ tion of the Doorkeeper all of the duties heretofore required of mes- °t md °m°”g’°S°‘ sengers detailed to said committees by the Doorkee er, and shall be subject to removal by the Doorkeeper at any time aiiter the termination of the Congress during which they were appointed. orrrcn or snncnanr AT Aims. _ iu(i¤?° °‘S°rg°°°t°t Salaries: Sergeant at Arms, $6 500; deputy sergeant at arms; ceifiiiiigieat Mm' $2,500; cashier, $4,000; two bookkeepers, at $2,400 each; deputy sergeant at arms in charge of pairs, $1,800; pair clerk and messenger, $1,800; messenger, $1,400; steno apher and igylpewriter, $900; skilled laborer, $840; hire of automdlriile, $600; in , $25,140. _ For pglice force, House Office Building, under the Se eant at B,§{’§‘,‘§*,,_H°““° °°°° Arms: `eutenant, $1,200; nineteen privates, at $1,050 eag; in all, $21,150. orrron or noonnnnrnn. D°°"‘°°¥’°"s °m°° Salaries: Doorkeeper, $5,000; maintenance and repair of folding ,,,,£,‘}3§.l§§f*§‘§§{ “’°°"‘l room motor truck, $500; special employee, $1,800; superintendent of House press aglallery, $2,000; assistant to the superintendent of the M la House press gl ery, $1,200; janitor, $1,500; messengers-Seventeen 6,,, °““'¥°'S· °°'°”> at $1,180 eac , fourteen on soldiers roll at $1,200 each; laborersseventeen at $720 each, two known as cloakmom men at $840 each, eight known as cloakroom men, one $600 and $120 additional so long as the position is held by the present incumbent, and seven at $600 each; two female attendants in ladies’ retiring rooms at $800 each; superintendent of foldin room, $2,500; foreman, $2,100; chief clerk §,'};,‘},§,,’?_§,$, 6,,, to superintendent of folding room, $1,800; three clerks, at $1,600 ' each; janitor, $720; laborer, $720; thirty-one folders, at $900 each; shipping clerk, $1,200; two drivers, at $840 each; two chief pages, regatta at $1,500 each; two telephone pages, at $1,200 each; two messengers in charge of telephones (one or the minority), at $2,160 each; assistant messengerin charge of telephones, $1,500; forty-two pages, during the session, including1:ix,]1press·gal1ery page and ten Sages for duty at the entrances to the of the House, at $2.50 per ay each, $12,390; laborer, $800; superintendent of document room, $2.900; §,{’,f“,,’}'f,‘,;_§,,§‘,§',,‘{f·,,,, assistant superintendent, $2, 100; clerk, $1 ,700; assistant clerk, $1 ,600; eight assistants, at $1,280 each; janitor, $920; messenger to press room, $1,000; in all, $157,590. srmoxu. nm umonrrr nmrwrnns. mS$.$‘°l§}‘°“‘”°“°’ For the employment of Joel Grayson in the document room, ’°°‘ Gmysm $2 500. lior six minority employees at $1,800 each, authorized and named ¥i¤¤’**Y °mPl°Y°'* in the resolution of April 11, 1921, $10,800. _ ._ To continue employment of the assistant foreman of the folding mgm ¤•=*¤¤*•d room, authorized in the resolution of September 30, 1913, at $3.85 per day, $1,405.25. _ _ To continue employment of the person named m the resolution of April 28, 1914, as a aborer, $840. _ _ To continue em loyment of the laborer authorized and named in the resolution of Becember 19, 1901, $840. _ _ A . mm, 0,m Successors to any of the employees tprovided for m the five pre- www ceding paragraphs may be named by e House of Representatives at any time.